Beds & Haircuts

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"Alayna noooo move over!" Alex pulled her daughter over to the side.

"'Mommy stop! I wanna lay next to daddy!" She crawled back next to him.

"And I want to lay on daddy! So move over!"

"Stop mommy he's my daddy!"

"He was my mines first! Let me lay on my man!"

"No!" She snuggled closer to Derek. He laughed at the two of them literally fighting over him.
Alex pouted as he shrugged his shoulders. "How about I sleep in the middle that way both of you can sleep by me. Like y'all used too."

"Fine! But she gotta go on the right. I gotta sleep on the left side." Alayna moved to the other side of Derek, while Alex climbed in getting comfortable next to Derek. "I should've swallowed." She mumbled. Derek popped her in the mouth lightly.

"Don't say that go to sleep."

The next morning

The next morning Alex woke the alarm blaring. She was next to Derek and Alayna was laying in front of her. She climbed over Alayna getting up hitting the alarm. Going into the bathroom she quickly did her morning routine and showered before coming out. She picked up Alayna carrying her to the her bathroom.

"Milani wake up." She shook her awake.
She rocked back and forth with Alex's movements. "Mommy stop I'm tired."

"You gotta go to school."
"I don't wanna go, I don't feel good." She lied.

"Oh man I guess we're gonna have to reschedule your haircut again."

"No! I'm up. See I feel fine!"
"Mhmm, I knew that would get you, teeth brush, clothes on and then come eat."

"Mommy I want a fruit bowl please!" She left her daughters room going to her sons. Next up was Aidan, she walked in flipping the lights. The tactics were not the same for each child. Aidan didn't wake up for anything. She pulled the covers off of him letting the cold air hit his body. "Aidy wake up!" She tickled him. He started laughing before hitting her with a straight face. "Mommm I'm to old to be tickled." He sat up.

"Right my apologies. You're a man you can't be tickled and stuff."

"Exactly. Now I have to get ready. You can't see me get dresssed."

"Oop excuse me. I didn't want to see that no way. But I know when I'm being put out." She stood leaving the room. "Lay back in the bed and I'll cut your hair off and give you a bald patch." He quickly sat up. "I'm up!"

"Good." She went across the hall to Declan's room. She flipped on his lights. He wasn't in the bed so she checked the treehouse part of the bed. There he was laid in it. She pulled him out the top. She held him in her arms watching him much like how she did when he was a baby. He started moving in her arms, she sat him up. "Bubba wake up baby boy."

"Okay mommy." He said sleepily. "Five more minutes." He hugged her neck. She carried him to the bathroom he had in his room. Setting him on the counter she grabbed his rag cleaning his face waking him up. "I'm up mommy. I'm up!"

"Great! Brush your teeth, get dressed then go get breakfast."

"I want cereal mommy!"

"Okay." She yelled walking downstairs. She let Oreo out while packing their lunch boxes. Alayna came skipping into the kitchen. "Somebody slept good?"

"Mhmm I like sleeping with you and daddy."
"Well you won't be sleeping in there tonight!" Alex smiled.

"Why not?"
"Because you need to sleep in your room. You're a big girl you sleep in there more than we do."
"Maybe I like your bed more."

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