I Hate Couples Trips

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One day down, Three to go

Rissa woke up bright and early the next day. Knocking on Alex and Derek's door. On the inside they were groaning. "Alex, it's me Riss! Did you still wanna get your hair done?"

Alex barely opened her eyes wrapping the blanket around her. Cracking the door open Riss took in her appearance. While Alex looked at hers. She looked dressed comfortably and was ready to go. "Hey, I still want it done. Let me shower and stuff. I'll be ready in like 20! Cool?"

"Yeah, and GoodMorning?" She smirked.

"Good indeed." Alex smirked closing the door.


Riss was about halfway done with Alex's hair. The chefs had already prepared breakfast. Everybody was trailing in and out of the second living room checking the progress of the two.

"Riss can I ask you something?"

"Sure Lexy, what's up?"

"How does it feel having a teenager? Like, idk do you feel like the relationship good?"

"It's weird, shes harder to reach now. She's no longer like, "mommy I want to play with glitter and still believe it unicorns. It's all I wanna hang with the crew." I'm trying to let her see that we have an open door policy. Like she can talk to me about anything but she's all secretive."

"Yeah, Aidan is the same way. He's no longer my sweet little roll dog. He was always like mommy this! Mommy that. Now he's just like can I go hang with the crew. I don't wanna go anywhere. All I wanna do is play basketball and wear hoodies. It makes me sad, the only time he spends with me is eating our favorite snack and watching our favorite tv show together. If he's not busy. I miss him."

"I didn't expect this when they said they would grow up. I don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't this."

"Can I ask you something? I don't want you take offense to it."

"We're sisters you can ask me anything. I let you touch my hair we're cool cool now. Only hands that go in my head are Miss Bruce."

"Well I'm honored, I hope this doesn't ruin that. But What made you take in Aidan? Like why him?"

"Honestly, That was an impulsive decision for the both of us. I know for me, I saw a kid that was cute and reminded me of myself. Especially with dealing with a parent who was an alcoholic. I felt like I had to save him. We didn't know a DAMN thing about raising an actual kid. We still had a baby and we were figuring that out. A 6 year old was totally different."

"Do you ever regret your decision?"

"Not at all, that's my baby. My son. He belonged to us, with us."

"How's his mom? Has she reached out to him?"

Alex shifted uncomfortably. "I- I don't know. She might be dead. Atleast we think she's dead."

"Oh my god! Does he know? What do you mean by think?"

"No. We haven't told him. I don't know how to. We're just waiting for the day he asks about her. Something happened and Derek looked into it. We believe Ray did something to her body. He cant find it anywhere. Without a body there is no death certificate. It makes me think that maybe she isn't dead. But the day we found out he said she died in front of a police officer. I wouldn't think he would lie like that. But maybe he would. Idk idk, I'm just not ready to cross that bridge yet. He doesn't bring her up, and I don't think about. I just get scared sometimes that she's gonna pop up on our doorstep and try to take him away."

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