Perfect? Not Anymore

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"Tiffany I ain't got time for the games and bullshit!! Shut him up before I do it for you!"

"Stop hitting him and maybe he'll stop crying!" She took a swig of her drink.

"You back talking me girl! HUH!" He snatched her up by her hair.

"L-Let my mommy go!" Aidan sniffled.

"OH NOW YOU WANNA SHUT YOUR ASS UP? Huh?" Ray picked Aidan up by his hair.

"Ray let him go!" Tiffany begged sobering up some. Ray laughed evilly before throwing the small 6 year old across the room. Aidan wailed loudly feeling the pain shoot through his body.

Ray began dragging her across the living room. "Aidan papito go to your room baby." Tiffany begged. He slowly tried to get up crawling to the back room. He heard the sound of slapping and cried on his ears.

Aidan quickly shot up in his bed "Another one." As of lately his dreams had been getting worse and worse. Maybe it was because the once perfect home he grew to know and love wasn't perfect anymore. All because there was an incident. Yeah an incident but we'll get into that later.

But ever since the incident Mom and Pops have been arguing a lot. It had us kids feeling sad. Our lovey dovey parents aren't so loving anymore.

Aidan readjusted his eyes in the light instantly getting scared. "Ahhh! Bubba why you just standing there man?" Declan looks at his brother blinking. "Blink once for yes and twice for no. Mom and Dad woke you up?" Declan blinks once.

"Wanna sleep in here?"

He blinks once again.

"Come on man climb in."

Declan walks over climbing into his brothers bed. He immediately faces the other direction. "Bubba man I know you think all this arguing is your fault. But it's not they're just trying to figure out the best solution for you. In no time they'll be back being gross and annoying us."

"Hey what you guys talking about?" Strawberry came into the room closing the door.

"Mom and Pops arguing again. Trying to tell Bubba it's not his fault."

"Yeah I know I heard it. I couldn't sleep and since we can't sleep in there maybe sleep in here."

"You know I don't care." He said making a mental note to talk to his parents.

"Hey Bubba we love you. Okay? What happened doesn't matter to us. Mommy and Daddy love you too. They're just trying to process everything and figure it all out which makes them disagree."

Aidan and Alayna look at each other seeing if he was gonna respond. He doesn't so they just decide to lay down.

"Brother can you take us to school tomorrow? I don't want to ride with mommy or daddy. They bring my mood down."

"Yeah I'll see if they let me borrow a car. I can't wait until I get my own."

"How's the saving going?"

"It's going I'm a couple thousand short."

"How much? I have some saved I wouldn't mind lending to you as a small loan." Alayna smirked in the dark.

"No you con artist. I'm still paying you back from the last small loan."

"Which reminds me your payment is due at the end of the week."

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