Chapter 60 (Season 3 finale)

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Shock washed over all of them.
"I-it was you? It was you all this while?" Jeremy muttered still in shock.
"Yes, that's right. A round of applause everyone." He stated sarcastically. He enjoyed seeing the pain in Jay's eyes.
"But why would you do that? We were buddies."
He burst into laughter again.
"No, this war started long before we were buddies. Back in high school, when you stole everything from me. You seriously thought I'll forget that. Everything I did you did two times better. You were always the better basketball player, the best student. You even won the hottest guy during our high school awards. Those were all supposed to have happened to me!
And you're now even running for the League's president and the board simply can't get enough of you." Carlos rolled his eyes in displeasure

"It all could have happened to me in High School, you know. It was about to until you showed up at Blue Valley for your senior year. And on top of that, you stole my girlfriend. You made mockery of me!"
Jeremy was taken aback by his blunt outburst.
"You two were not together when I dated her."
"That's where you're wrong Carlson. Anastasia broke up with me. Want to know why? Because I was no longer the hottest, richest most popular guy in school. I was furious. So together with my dad, I hatched the perfect plan to take down the Carlsons forever. My dad supported me because when the Carlson empire falls to the ground, it was obvious The Diegos will top the league table.
That's why we set your dad up. That witch you called your girlfriend, in exchange for the latest model of the iPhone was more than willing to do it. How cheap! But I must say, Ana did a great job. She not only got the document of ownership of Carlson Corp. and Holdings, but managed to wreck the family apart for good." He stated with a tint of humour.

Jeremy was disgusted. He was totally speechless. Carlos continued

"We handed the documents over to the Buckles and you all know how that ended. Then we had Richard assassinated. But those stupid people were ungrateful. How could such highly educated people be so reckless? Goodness!
And before you ask, yeah I alerted the security that day and chased Renee till she had the accident. Sorry honey, but you shouldn't have gotten involved in this." He winked at Renée.

"But my beauty over there was smart enough to exchange the papers and left blank sheets. Sorry for knocking you out in the car but I was just so furious.
I also had Randy killed when I set up his girlfriend Amber. That was pretty easy.
ermmm... did I leave any of my sins out? Let me see... oh yeah. I also had Whyte's family killed. I altered with their brakes and made it seem like an accident. I'm a genius aren't I? That dumb old man still hasn't realised it wasn't an accident. And that was payback. I mean how could he take you in? He should have just stayed out of it and made your family die of hunger."

"You're sick, Carlos! You did all this because of a woman who didn't even love you but was only after your money, power and fame." Jay revolted

"It wasn't just about about Anastasia. My ego was bruised. Darn it! My mum left us. Wanna know why? My dad refused to marry her. He didn't want to expose her to the Latino mafia world. I mean they were living together for years; that was never a problem. She did that because she didn't understand why her family couldn't be as perfect as the Carlsons. She was always comparing. It was all your family's fault!" He looked at Renee and calmed.

"But when I saw Renee that night, I was willing to put everything behind me and settle down with her but nooo... you had to snatch my last chance to true love and happiness.
So I hired the services of the very best once again."
He burst into laughter.
" I must say, you sure know how to hold your liquor. It took almost a crate to get you fully intoxicated. Renee called in at the right moment to see you in the arms of Anastasia before you passed out."
"Does t-that mean nothing happened between Ana and I?"
"You were too wasted to do anything useful, if you know what I mean." He winked.
"And before you ask, that baby was mine. I felt bad, not for her of course but for my little one, but I had to do it. I mean how could she dare point a gun at Renee, the love of my life. I wish my dad was still alive so see all I have accomplished."

'So he was the one on the rooftop.' Renee thought to herself.

Just then, sirens started blaring. Carlos scanned the room, Xavier was not there. He was surely the one who called the cops.
"Too bad. If I can't have Renee then no one would!" He cocked his gun and shot in her direction. Renee ducked and fell to the ground with Tyler in her arms. Jeremy rushed to their aid. Carlos stood there mortified and the security personnel immediately seized him.
"Oh my God, are you alright?" Jeremy check up on them.
"You call on God, Carlson! Don't make me laugh. You're worse than the devil himself!" Carlos spat the words out with pure distaste.
"Yes I'm a Christian. Yes, I fall. I stumble. I struggle. Yes, I make hypocritical decisions. I am a mess, I know... but I'm God's mess. And I know my God can turn any mess into a masterpiece!" Jeremy retorted with passion.

Renée managed to get up unharmed but there was a look of horror on her face.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *.
Their baby boy was rushed to the hospital. The doctors did the best they could but the fragile little body couldn't handle a gunshot wound. He died.

Carlos was sentenced to five years each for the attempted murder of five persons on the first count and five years each for the murder of seven persons on the second. In total, he was going to spend 60years in prison. That was a lot.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *
It has been a year already but Renee couldn't get over the loss of her son. She could still feel the sting in her heart. But today, at the graveyard, she promised herself and Tyler that she was going to move on and live with his memory forever in her heart.

The couple's tenth anniversary was here. They decided to renew their vows in their local church.
As they stood at the altar together, they reflected on their life, the last ten years had been a roller coaster ride and they were glad it was finally over.

Jeremy took his vows first
" I love you. Very simple but true. You are the epitome of everything I've ever looked for in another human being. There isn't another soul on this planet who has ever made me half the person I am when I'm with you. I'm forever changed because of who you are and what you've meant to me. And I pray for God's help to love you correctly."

Renee then took hers
"You're been my best friend, mentor, confidant, lover and greatest challenge. But most importantly, you are the love of my life. You make me happier than I could have ever imagined and I feel more love than I ever thought possible. All I have, all that I am and all that I will ever be, is yours because I will always love you."

Jay stepped forward and gently cupping her face in his hands, leaned in and the kissed amidst the deafening applause.

Indeed, when you have God, you have EVERYTHING.

The end.

Watch out for Chasing me down, a sequel to Intense.

You can also check out my other books;
The perfect storm, and

~Janice_ Freda

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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