Episode 41 (Season 2 finale- Bonus episode)

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It's been more than a year since we left London. Buckle and his family were behind bars, The Carlsons had their business empire back and most importantly Jeremy found his Creator again. Oh yeah...and Mr Whyte found love again.
Mr Whyte insisted that we fixed our wedding date to February 14, because that was when Jay's parents got married.

Throughout that year, Jay and i bonded so well. I felt like we had known each other longer than we actually had. He slowly became my best friend. We shared our deepest secrets, fears and plans for the years ahead. I was so happy.
It goes to prove that 'all things work together for those who love the Lord'.

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Our traditional wedding was colorful and beautiful. It was a not too extravagant one among only close relations and friends.  I was excited. Who wouldn't? I was marrying the love of my life and best friend tomorrow.

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As I walked down the aisle, I reflected on many events. It was the conclusion of everything that had happened during the last 9 years of my life. I was finally having my happy ending. I lifted my eyes to the end of the aisle, there my Prince Charming was. He stood tall in his black three piece suit. He looked ravishing. Xavier, Pierre and Carlos stood behind him. His captivating smile took all the nervousness away.
When we got to the altar, my father gracefully put my hand in Jay's
"Please promise to take care of her. She's my only child and I won't hesitate to break your neck if you break her heart."
I giggled. When dad took his seat, Jeremy whispered.
"Now I'm terrified of your dad." We laughed.
The ceremony continued.

Jeremy said his vows.
"Renée Ann Affoh do you take Jeremy Tyler Carlson Whyte to be your wedded husband to have and to hold, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health as long as you both shall live? ..."
I reflected on all these vows and I was ready to abide by them all the days of my life.
That's why I said...
"I do"
After the ring ceremony, the bishop spoke
"By the power vested in me by the appointment of God as the bishop of this church, I pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss your bride."

Jeremy took a step closer and gracefully rolled over my veil. He gently grabbed my waist and pulled me closer to his body. He looked into my eyes. I smiled. Then he looked at my lips while biting his. I felt a hot sensation rush up my cheeks. Looking back into my eyes while cupping my face gently in his hand, he leaned in and kissed me.
I could hear the deafening applause in the background.

We had a lovely garden wedding reception. The petals of my favorite roses and lilies were everywhere. After Xavier proposed the toast, Jeremy got up and went to a piano setup I hadn't noticed earlier. I never heard him sing but I'd heard him play on several occasions.

"Renée....I dedicate this song to you with love.", he said as he started to play Hezekiah Walker's 'I need you to survive'.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I praised God.
'Thank you Lord, for indeed I sought first Your kingdom and its righteous and You added all other things unto me.'
Matthew 6:33

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