Chapter 53

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She met up with Mr. Whyte in his tastefully furnished establishment. The furnishings alone must have cost a fortune.
"My dear... I assume you know why you're here."
I nodded.
"It's been two months since you separated from my son. I have not gotten involved because I wanted you to sort it out yourselves. I love Jeremy very dearly. He's been my son since his dad died. And I love you too my dear as my very own daughter.
I knew you'd be a perfect match for him since the first time I saw you two walk through the gates of Haphville University in Ghana. The day he stained your top, remember? You were so livid!"
They laughed. And he continued.

"You were the only woman who was able to speak up to him knowing how powerful he was, when the others practically drooled over him. And I knew my son needed that kind of woman. Yeah, I knew about the confrontations in the library and at the gala. I knew about the little bet you two had."
He giggled.

"It reminded me of the days when I was courting my wife." His demeanor changed.
"Do you know how my wife died?... She was involved in a car accident while she was taken my daughter to school one morning. Do you know the most painful part? We argued that morning. She knew of Richard's affair with Mia's mum so she began doubting my fidelity. I was hurt and told her I'll never forgive her. I didn't mean it. It was the spur of the moment. I know she didn't mean it either. She taken aback by Richard's adulterous act and how he was able to hide it for so long. But death snatched her from me without giving me a chance to apologize to her."
He sighed. He had revealed so much to me. It must have been hard for him.
"My point is..." he reached for my hand.
"True love comes once. The rest are not true. And I mean it. Life is short. Don't spend it regretting. Do you love my son?"
"Yes, I love him." I said meekly.
"You're a very intelligent woman. I know because I have worked with you personally. I know you won't get married to just anyone especially with your fervent faith. Before this, did he give you any cause not to trust him?"
I shook my head.
"I'm not going to defend what he did because I greatly abhor infidelity. But you know, everyone makes mistakes. You know he was under the influence of alcohol, but from the bottom of your heart, do you think he would have done what he did if he were not drunk?"

The question hung over my head like a dark cloud. She couldn't sleep that night. She took my Bible and scan through. Romans 3 vs. 10 caught her eye. It said;
'There's none righteous, not even one.'

And that was true she knew it. She was a Christian but she was certainly not righteous. It was all just by grace.
So why was she hating Jeremy for sinning? Shouldn't she rather hate the sin and not the sinner?
'I'm sure even God is wondering who asked me to hate sinners for him.' She thought aloud and laughed.
There and then she found her answer; she knew exactly what she had to do.

*. *. *. *. *. *. *.
Jeremy sat impatiently with Mia. He had a defeated look on his face. He couldn't believe that from today onwards; forever perhaps, he had lost all rights on Renée as her husband. He couldn't believe the love of his life was being separated from him permanently.
Renée and her lawyer went in yet, neither were the court officials. It was five minutes past the time for the court proceedings to begin. What was going on?
Mia was just about to go out to find out what was going on when the court clerk entered the courtroom.
"I'm pleased to inform you that Mrs. Carlson Whyte with her attorney just stopped the divorce proceedings."
Jeremy was overjoyed. He raced out of the room.
Just outside the courthouse, Renée stood clad in an ice blue lace dress. Her face lighten up when her eyes met his. He literally ran and gave her a warm embrace. He couldn't believe she could forgive him after he cheated on her. He didn't deserve her. She was - wonderful.
He was thankful to God for answering his prayers. After she told him about her intention to get a divorce, he went on his knees and prayed every day. That firstly, God will forgive him and that God will touch her heart to forgive him. That was the first time he ever fasted and fervently prayed.

Indeed just like Daniel put it in Daniel 6 vs. 10
'Some victories can be won only on bended knees'

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