Episode 17

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Jeremy picked his car key and headed for the garage. I followed closely behind. I don't know but I knew he'll need me for whatever was ahead. He drove at top speed. It was good fortune that there were few cars on the road since it was midnight. He drove like  a mad animal.
When we got to hospital, we could hear Mia's wailing from the O.P.D. Oh God don't let it be what I'm thinking? We rushed upstairs. Mr. Whyte stood still looking at the wall, searching for God knows what. Mia was wailing, seated on the floor with her hands across her mother's lifeless body. Jeremy stood at the doorway taking in the events as the hospital attendants came for the body to the mortuary. He was overwhelmed by the events that took place in full action. The shock and sorrow in his eyes slowly turned into fury. He turned his gaze to me. Just then he grabbed me by the arm and dragged me to the hospital chapel. His grip was firm, I couldn't wriggle out of it.
"Jeremy, you're hurting me"
When he finally let go, I fell.
"Where's your God? Is He asleep? I knew no God existed. This world exists because of the great evolution. God is a myth that was used to cloud your better judgement. If there was really a God who loves me as you say, where is he now?!"
I let him continue. He needed to cool off some steam.
"Renounce your God today. Can't you see? He doesn't exist. If even so, He doesn't love you. He's only thinking about Himself. His glory."
"Renée...", he said in a soft voice, cupping my face in his hands. I could see the hurt in his eyes
"How long have you been serving him? What's the improvement in your life? How long will you go on?", he spat out the words in disgust.
"I don't need to be rich to know my God loves me. He has proved it in many other ways." I replied.

He voice dropped in a whisper as he bore his heart to me.
"Renée, I like you a lot. You've taught me to open up and see life in a new perspective. I can't just stand there and watch you chase after the wind. Stay with me. And let's experience life together with the no God factor. Just living a day at a time."

That was a very attractive offer. Tempting to say the least. I liked Jeremy a lot too. But I could never do without God. He was the solid rock on which I stood. And I couldn't continue living with Jeremy when he wasn't my husband. It's just not right. I should have listened to Ava and never got involved with him in the first place. I knew I wouldn't be able to break away easily after I realised I liked Jeremy. It was a tough decision but I knew the answer. If I had to lose Jeremy to keep God, then I will.

"So what's your decision?", he asked after the brief period of silence.
"I'll leave"
"Okay. I respect your decision. But I want nothing to do with you and your God ever again so I want you out of my penthouse before I return. I'm done with this deal. I'm done with you. I'm done with God. I can't believe I tried to open up my heart again. You deceived me. God was never real."

He signed a cheque of a million dollars.
"I don't want your money...", I tore the cheque.
"I'll go but know that in the good and bad times, God still lives." I said and left. It hurt me to see him like this but who am I to question God.
My heart broke as his words re-echoed in my mind. It hurts me to remember his words. I felt greatly insulted when he wrote down that cheque. I know he didn't mean it and that it was the spur of the moment, but what if he really did? Did he really think I was in for the money after everything?
As I stepped out of the building, I left a greater part of me behind. He had my heart and I let him take it along with him. On that day, I was sure of myself. I'd definitely fallen head over heels in love with Jeremy Tyler Carlson Whyte, the British millionaire.
I flagged a taxi to his penthouse, packed everything and left. I was okay before I met him. I'll be ok now.
I guess it was meant to be.
Time to start my life anew...

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