Episode 27

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After some time of relaxing, Mia suggested we play volleyball. I went over to the hotel with Mia to change into our sports wear.

For a fair game, the guys picked their female teammates. Xavier picked Mia and Jay picked me. So Elena and Mr. Whyte were referees.
"Too bad, you didn't pick me baby. You would have seen the sexy sports wear I bought for the trip. We can use it later tonight for role play.", Elena stated provocatively.
"Get a room you two", Xavier commented.
We started the game. Mia served first. After the first half, it was a close call throughout. Mia and Xavier were good. But I won the Best Volleyball player back in my days in Abugiss, not for nothing.
We could win this.
Ten minutes to the end of the game, Jay gave a massive serve scoring a point and breaking the tie. Mia and Xavier were too exhausted for a comeback.
We won.
We hugged in excitement and then let go of each other awkwardly. He rolled his eyes then drew me close resting his arm on my shoulders.
I was too shocked to utter a word. I followed him sheepishly to the hotel.
When we got to my door, he spoke.
"I had a great time out with you today.", he left.
It was then that I realized that his room was just next to mine.
Joe is going to be furious.
I had a shower and picked a turtle neck simple black dress and tie my hair into a half bun. We were having dinner together.

We had a lovely dinner. After dinner, Jeremy asked me to spend time with him tonight.
"Wanna watch a movie tonight?"
"I don't...what about your fiancée?"
"She said she had some skin treatments or whatever. I don't care".
They clearly didn't love each other. Why then were they getting married ? Was it an arranged marriage? No, Mr. Whyte is not one to do that.
"Stop thinking so much...I've got ice cream stocked.", Jeremy encouraged
The sound of ice cream caught my attention.
"My mind just approved; it's a great idea. Lead the way". We laughed.
And just as we did back in his penthouse, we sat all night watching an action movie in his room and eating ice cream.

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"Renée's not in her room. Let me check on Jay."
The door knob turns.
"Dad, you've totally got to see this."
Jeremy tapped me gently. When my eyes fluttered opened. Mr. Whyte and Mia stood in front of us giggling. Jay and I apparently passed out on the couch. The TV was still on.
"I'll leave you two lovebirds to sort yourself out.", Mr. Whyte said and literally dragged Mia who was enjoying the scene.
"I'll go take a shower", I told Jay; got up and left.
Goodness. I can't believe I spent the night in Jeremy's room.
We had breakfast together.
"Baby, You didn't come over to my room last night. I told you about the sexy new lingerie I bought" Elena nagged.
Did he spend every night with her? I felt disgusted.
"He was busy with other matters", Mia stated and giggled knowingly at Mr.Whyte.
"Did I miss something?", Xavier asked.

"Renée", Jeremy called out to me as I headed for my room after breakfast. I was mad at him. But I couldn't blame him for spending every night with his fiancée. It may be against my principles but it surely wasn't for him.
I knew these people. They didn't mind going to bed with someone they barely knew.
"What is it, Jay?"
"Hey, What's wrong with you? Why the sudden change in mood?"
"I suppose you didn't called me for that."
"I'll speak to you when you're a lot calmer.", he kissed my forehead and left
"Meet me at the beach in an hour", he announced.
I sighed.
Jeremy. How do I move on when i never really stopped loving you?....

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