Episode 29

63 14 7

"My dad was Richard Carlson, a tech genius. He was from a not so well to do family. However just a few months after he met my mother, his fortunes changed. He built the Carlson business and tech empire.

My mother...She hailed from Teshie in the Greater Accra Region of Ghana. Her real name was Naa Atswei Sowah. Did I get it right?"
His British accent made it all funny. We laughed
"Yeah, sorry. Please continue", I quickly added.
"She changed her name once she nationalized as a British to Evelyn Rose Steve. My dad advised her to do that since he was involved in cyber crimes and didn't want anything to be trace back to her.
They got married on the 21st of January and had me about a year later.
Unfortunately, ill luck came knocking at our door to steal the joy that had filled our hearts.
Unfortunately, my dad had a one night stand with a woman on one of his club nights. That was his first in a long while and it was certainly his last.

That one night stand slowly grew into an affair. My dad began to see her often however one day,when he finally realized his mistake and he broke up with her, it was too late. The woman had fallen deeply in love with him. But that wasn't the worst. She was pregnant.

It was then that Mia was born. I was 6 then. My mum and I had no knowledge about her. Mia's mum; Jana wanted nothing to do with her so my dad hired a nurse to raise her and rented an apartment for them.
Unfortunately Jana's family weren't happy about this so planned to ruin my family's happiness.

11 years later, I was at my final year of high school, getting ready for college. I had been dating my childhood sweetheart Anastasia for like forever. We were happy together, hoping for more later together in the future."

My demeanor changed. Why did it hurt me to know I was not his first, he was not my first boyfriend either?

"Come on baby. Don't get jealous now. We're only a halfway through the story.", he spoke softly, gently lifting my face towards his, tightening his grip around my waist. I looked into his eyes. They gave me the assurance I needed.

He continued
"I loved Anastasia deeply so on our 5th anniversary since we officially started dating, I decided to buy her the phone she's been asking for for a while. I told her to meet me at my house so I could give her the gift and then we could spend quality time together as a couple, if you know what I mean."

I frowned. I was so not enjoying this. He laughed.
"Did I ever tell you you look really cute when you're mad?"
I rolled my eyes in mock anger.
"On with the story already"
"Aye aye captain", we laughed.

"But my order was delayed so I alerted Anastasia to wait at my house while I go pick it up.
When I returned, I met my mum at the entrance, she was coming home from work at her fashion studio.
"Hey mama dearest"
"How's my favorite son doing?"
"Mum, I'm your only son", we laughed

When we went in, we heard some strange noises and moans. It was coming from my dad's study. We opened the door. I had the shock of my life. It was a big blow to my ego. I remained strong for my mum as she broke down."

He sighed deeply
"Anastasia and my dad were making out, Renée", fresh tears filled his eyes as he shielded the near explosion of tears.
My hands clasped my mouth in horror.

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