The One I Lost

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(Gold's POV)

My heart's skipping a thousand beats. What the HELL is happening?!

From mother: "I might not see you again. But... there's a secret you need to know now. I am not your biological mother. I'm your stepmother. Your father is your real father but I don't know your real mother. I'm sorry. I should've told you sooner. Your father never mentioned her when we were together. Yes, I know. I'm stupid for not telling you in person but I wanted you to live a normal life. The good thing is... you, Jewel... and... and Topaz are blood-related. Look, I know you're going through some rough times right now, and things might get worse, but remember... I'll always love and be with you! Team Rocket attacked us with Pokémon that I couldn't see.  Also, I hid some Pokédollars in my room. That doesn't matter though because you're great at gambling. Just don't give up! Love, Mom"

I hide my tears. Team Rocket you damn BASTARDS! I hear the door slam open. I walk downstairs. Jewel's standing there in the front doorway. Tears also start falling down her cheeks. I run over to her and hug her with sadness. Jewel starts to sob. 

"G-Gold," Jewel says, still crying. "W-will she live? Th-the plane's gonna... cr-crash." I can't speak but I just continue to hug her. My phone rings a message again. I let go of Jewel and take a look at the new message.

It's from Professor Oak:"I'm sorry, Gold. Your mother messaged me. I don't know if you heard yet but... your mother... might not make it back. I don't have a lot of time to text you so it's pretty short. You, Jewel, Yoshira, and Tohira can stay home for today. I'm so sorry." 

I sit down on the couch and turn on the TV. I shouldn't have. The plane crash is all over the news. I turn the TV off and throw the remote. I cover my eyes. I can't resist the tears anymore. I let them fall but hopefully, no one sees me.

(Jewel's POV)

It's as if I've been stabbed in the chest. I can barely walk, speak properly, I just... I can't take this. But Gold... he's taking this harder than I thought. He's the kind of guy who shows every emotion but sadness. And if he DOES show sadness then it wouldn't be much. But now, he's showing more emotion than anyone I know.

I walk over to the couch and cry beside Gold. 





It's been a few weeks since... the passing of mother. Nothing interesting has happened since then. Me and Gold are walking in route 29. We just need some time right now. I've been distant from everyone at school. I've been silent like Gold, I just... no. Everyone at school's trying to make me feel better. Gold's hiding his tears again by putting a smile on. Though, I'm weak. I'm not strong. I always let my tears out if I need to. I sit down against the trunk of a tree and just stare into the sky. Gold's sleeping next to me. 

"Are you alright?" I look up and a girl with beautiful gray hair, same skin color as me, and is wearing... the same school uniform my school has.

"Yeah," I say, wiping my face. "it's just... things haven't been great lately. I lost someone in a plane crash a few weeks ago."

"Oh, I'm sorry." She says. "Don't worry, you're not alone. I also lost someone in the same situation as you! Wait... was it only around three weeks ago? Was it that plane crash that was all over the news?"


"I also lost someone there too! She... she was my mother." Her expression becomes sadness

"Same. Sadly, I found out that me and my brother aren't related to her in any way. My mother texted me."

"Really? That happened to me too! I received a text saying that too!"

"Weird coincidence." I say. "But... my father, who left us a long time ago, is my real father!"

"Me too! Well, I lived with my father!"

It dawns on me. "C-could it be that...?

"I don't think it's a coincidence." She says. 

"No way," I say in shock. "Is that you...?

To be continued...

I love cliffhangars.

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