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(Gold's POV)

So when I was trying to sleep last night, I couldn't top thinking about the fact that Mew's asking me out. But can it happen? Can Pokémon fall for humans? Can humans fall for Pokémon? I barely got any sleep. Jewel wakes up early like Crystal and they hang out before school so she already left. Anyways, I'm skateboarding to school now. I already got my food ready and packed them into my bag. I'm in the route that's to the left of Saffron City. Can't check the time right now because I'm mentally distracted. Agh, I hate going 'round public without my hat. The backwards cap works for me. 

But Mew... what doe she want? Will she try to kill me? I can't bring my Pokémon out of their Pokéballs. Mew might think that I'm gonna use them against her. Well, maybe I can have Pich just lay on my head. I'd have Togebo sit on one of my shoulders but it's a Togekiss now. If it was still a Togepi, I would let it do whatever on my shoulder. I'm in Saffron now. I'm rolling through the city to get to high school. 

"GOLD!!!" I hear an angry voice yell. It came from behind. I turn around and it's Ruby, a freshmen here. We became pretty good friends at the start and have still contained that bond. I stop myself on my skateboard.

"Hey, Ruby," I say with a smile. I notice a mad expression on his face. "what's with the face? Did Sapphire dump you?"

"No, stupid," He says. "I've been yelling at you when you got here today! What's up with you? You've been daydreaming a lot lately."

"Um, I was just, uh," What should I say? Oh, I know. "thinking about how next year would be different for us since Red, Yellow, Green, and Blue'll be leaving. It's their last year here, remember?"

"Getting emotional, huh?" Ruby smirks.

"Smirking's my thing. Anyways, it's gonna be kinda lonely without them here. Hey, where's Sapphire and Emerald? Don't you usually come with them to school?"

"They're being difficult," He says, stretching his arms out. "I told Sapphire to wear her bandanna. I said that she could take it off when school starts today but no, she's being difficult. I made that thing for her. Now Emerald won't wake up. He keeps talking so loudly in the night. He keeps talking about some pink girl with powers or something. He's got some imagination. Sapphire'll wake 'em up. The service Abra moves fast."

"Can't imagine not walking to school," I say. "or skateboarding for that matter." 

"You're a full region away from here," Ruby says, acting all sassy and girly.

"But the regions are close to each other. Also, my hometown's at the edge of Johto, meaning that I practically live in Kanto."

"Whatever. Let's go put our things into our lockers." We walk into the school and get to our lockers that are on the second floor. Our homerooms are not that far from each other. In fact, they're in the same corridors, meaning that we're like locker neighbors. It's only 8:00. So we got some time left. Me and Ruby just hang out in the hallways.

"So," He says. "why'd you leave yesterday?"

"I'm leaving early again today," I say. "'round the same time as yesterday."

"Just tell me what the heck you left for!" I sigh, open my mouth, and let the words out of my mou- RING RING!! 

"Hold on a sec," I say as I turn around, grab my Pokégear out of my left pocket, answer the call and place it to my left ear. "Hello?"

"It's me, professor Oak," He says. "make sure no one hears you." 

I turn to Ruby. "Can I take this?" 

"Usually, you'd ask before you answer the call," Ruby says. "But go ahead." I walk to further into the hallway where no one's near.

"I'm in the clear," I say into the speaker. "so what's up?"

"I'm just calling to remind you that you should leave after lunch!" He says.

"Alright. Hey, can I ask you a question?"

"Go on. Ask away."

"What am I supposed to say when they ask me? Both Jewel and Ruby are getting suspicious!"

"That's the thing," Professor Oak says in a serious voice. "They're not going to believe you if you say you went to the Pokémart again. No one goes there two times in a row. Oh, I got it! See, I have this pokémon egg that for some reason hasn't even been close to hatching. There, that's a perfect excuse!"

"Gotcha," I say, relieved that I have a better reason to leave now. "so what kind of egg is it?"

"I'll tell you in person. For now, just focus on school, okay?"

"Yeah," I say. I hang up, place my device into my pocket and walk back to Ruby. "So what was your question again?"

"Why're you leaving again?" He asks.

"Oh, Professor Oak asked me to-" DING DING DING DING! Crap, that bell always surprises me. "Tell you later, Ruby. See you at lunch!"

"Yeah, later," He says. He turns around and quickly enters his homeroom. I do the same and get to my desk. I'm... kinda tired today. I sit down and yawn quietly.

"Gold?" Crystal says. She's one seat to the right of me and one seat up. She's looking at me with a concerned look. "Why'd you leave yesterday?"

"Crap," I mutter quietly. Why is everyone being so suspicious! I'm not being obvious! I yawn again.

"Oh," Crystal says. "did you even get enough sleep last night?"

"Yeah," I say. 

"Stop lying," Another voice says. I turn around and it's my best friend Silver. He sits to my left. I smile at him.

"I'm not lying."

"I don't know how you could lie with such a normal smile," Silver says. He's always so dang serious, like Crystal... and Jewel. Wait... AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN TAKE A JOKE HERE?! Well, Jewel SOMETIMES endures my jokes.

"Your personality does not match the school uniform," I say, smirking. "Your normal black clothes do. Always so dark and eerie."

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" Silver yells.

"Inside voices, Silver," Professor Elm walks in. I give Silver a smirk. He looks real mad. "Oh, Gold, why did you leave yesterday?" You gotta be kidding me. Why in Arceus' name is everyone interrogating me?!

"Professor Oak asked me to help breed an egg!" I slowly say. 

"What kind of egg?" Professor Elm asks. I take a look at him and his expression seems reeeeelly suspicious. Did the tables just turn?

"A pokémon egg," I say.

"Well, of course, Gold," Professor Elm asks. "What pokémon is it?" Never mind. The tables are still on the same legs.

"I don't have all the details."

"Oh, alright, then let's get class started." 

ARE THESE PEOPLE POKÉMON? I'M PRETTY SURE THEY'RE USING MIND READER! Wait a minute. Some of these people could be pokémon. Never mind. I gotta stop jumping to conclusions.

To be continued...

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