Use Recover

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(Yoshira's POV)

"GOLD!" I yell. Tears are appearing in my eyes. I've seen this happen before. It was when I opened my eyes in that science lab. I saw a Pokémon take some sharp thing into the chest. I thought it'd be fine but it turns out... it would never open its eyes again. This is what's happening to Gold.

I was told not to use my powers... but I need to use them now!! I'm also wearing that uniform thingy that Gold's wearing at the moment. I use Psychic on both of the evil people and they're thrown out of the building. I run over to Gold. He's lying on the ground.

"Gold, wake up," I say, half crying, half yelling. "please. I need you!!"

"Save... her," His voice sounding weak. He's pointing at some green-haired girl who's running away from the remaining... evil person?

"No," I say. "I know we just met but I wanted to be with you forever! I can't leave you!!"

"Dang it, Yoshira," Gold says. Blood's falling from his chest. "do it, please. Save her... like I saved you!"

"I'm sorry, Gold," I say. I run to the green girl. Isn't she a Pokémon? Why isn't she defending herself? I use Psychic on the last one and send him flying. "Are you okay?" I say, running to her.

"I remember you," She says. "you were captured before too! You're a Pokémon like me!" Who is this girl? How does she know me?! 

"Gold!" I say in a realization. I run back to him. "No," I say. He's not there anymore. His blood's still on the floor. Did someone take him? No, because if someone did, blood would leave tracks. 

"Gold?" The girl says. "Was he that boy who tried protecting me earlier?"

"YES!" I angrily yell. "And now... now he's dead." I fall to the floor in defeat. 

"I'm sorry," Human Shaymin says. The door flings open. My eyes open in surprise and happiness. I use Extreme Speed and hug him as tight as I can.

To be continued...

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