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(Gold's POV)

I'm alive? Wait a minute. DIDN'T I JUST GET STABBED IN THE CHEST BY A KNIFE?! So right now, I'm getting squeezed to death by Yoshira. I spot the bloody spot where I laid.

"H-how're you still alive?" Yoshira says with happiness and tears in her eyes.

"I've no idea?" I say in a confused tone. I spot Shaymin staring at me with shock in her eyes. Yoshira lets go of me.

"Shouldn't you try to get Shaymin now?" Yoshira whispers into my left ear.

"I think we've had enough for today," I say, smiling. "C'mon, we can't be late for school!" Yoshira grabs my hands with hers and teleports us into Professor Oak's office.

"So I Professor Birch said that Emerald's been talking to himself in class and-WHAT THE-? WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?!" I spin around to see who said that. Oh, it's Professor Elm.

"Oh," Professor Oak says, acting unusual. "th-they just came in now! I-uh think you were too busy telling me what Birch said! Anyways, hello, Gold, Yoshira." I wave back and Yoshira does the same.

"Ah," Professor Elm says as he walks over to Yoshira. "you must be the transfer student who will be in my class! Well, I'm your teacher. I'm Professor Elm." He sticks his right hand out and Yoshira shakes it. "Well, I'll see you both in class." He runs out of the office. 

Professor Oak looks around him. "So what happened? Did you find Shaymin?"

"Actually," I say. "it's a pretty long story. So Team Rocket captured Shaymin and then turned HER into a human. I tried to convince her to come with me but she said that I'm just dragging her into some trap. I'm just glad Yoshira was more of a trusting gal."

"Gal?" Yoshira says in a curious tone. "What does that mean?"

"Uh, nothing! Anyways, three Team Rocket grunts came barging in. I beat one of them but the other wacked me in the face with his whips. I fell to the ground and..." Yoshira runs out of the office. I sigh. "I got stabbed in the chest by a knife. Somehow, I'm still alive. I blacked out and then I appeared before the doors of the Celadon City Gym! How am I still alive?"

"I... don't really know," Professor Oak says. "But you should be more careful. Just glad that you're alright. I think Yoshira should come with you every time we do this. We'll try again tomorrow. For now, just breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy the rest of the day."

"See ya, Professor," I say, walking out of the office. Yoshira's waiting by the doorway. 

"Sorry," She says. "I just didn't wanna hear what had just happened."

"Don't worry about it," I say. "Let's just get to class." We both walk up the stairs until we get to the second floor and then enter the hallway. Blue's walking over to us. 

"What's up, Gold?" She says. She looks at Yoshira and her eyes sparkle. "Wait a minute. Gold, are you two dating?!"

"Dating?" Yoshira says. "What's-" I quickly cover her mouth with my left hand.

"Just because I'm with a girl," I say. "doesn't mean I'm dating her. Now don't get me started on you loving Red, and then moving on to Green."

"Shut up," Blue says. "Anyways, I've got some news to tell you!"

"What is it?" I ask as remove my left hand from Yoshira's mouth.

"News is spreading quickly about someone getting stabbed in the chest inside of the Celadon City gym! I've heard that Team Rocket killed them." How the heck did people even find out about this? No one was even there, other than me, Yoshira, Team Rocket, and Shaymin and- oh. Shaymin probably told everyone. Why would she?  Yoshira covers her ears. 

"What's wrong?" Blue asks.

"That's the thing," I say in a serious tone. "let's just say... me and Yoshira... witnessed the incident." Blue's paralyzed in shock.

"YOU SAW IT?!" She shouts. "WHO WAS IT?! WHAT HAPPENED AFTER?! WAS ANYONE ELSE MURDERED?! DID-?" I cover Blue's mouth with my RIGHT hand.

"You're attracting WAY too much attention," I say as I look around. A few students are staring at us with weirdness in their expressions. "You calm now?" Blue nods. I slowly remove my hand from HER mouth. "Me and Yoshira are gonna go to homeroom now. See ya, Blue!" Yoshira, for some unknown reason, runs down the hallway and looks into every room. I get to my homeroom doorway and stop there. "Over here, Yoshira!" She runs over to me. I turn around and get to my desk. Luckily, three desks around me are free. Yoshira takes the seat that's on my right. There three rows of desks and I'm in the very back, middle column. Jewel sits in front of Silver. Jewel, Crystal, and Silver are already in their seats.

"Gold," Yoshira whispers. "what're we waiting for?"

"For school to start," I say instead of whispering. Oh, now I have to whisper. "Remember, don't use any of your Pokémon moves in this building. We don't want anyone to know about this."

"Gold," Another voice whispers. Jewel's standing right beside me with a worried look on her face. "I assume someone told you about the incident in Celadon! Were you involved in it?"

I signal Jewel to lean in. I whisper into her left ear. "Well, I was the victim! I was stabbed in the chest, yet I'm perfectly fine!"

"WAIT WHAT?!" Jewel shouts.

"Shut up," I whisper.

"What're you two talking about?" Silver asks us.

"Well," I say, getting ready to smirk. "I'd tell you, but then again, you're stupid so you wouldn't understand!"

Silver slams both his hands onto his desk and stands up. "IDIOT! I CAN UNDERSTAND ANYTHING! SO TELL ME, WHAT'RE YOU TWO, OR SHOULD I SAY THREE, TALKING ABOUT?!"

I face palm. "You're an idiot. I told you, you wouldn't understand! Now shut up, idiot!"

"Then tell me," Crystal says, staring at us with a suspicious expression. "what's happening? Who's this new girl? Are you two dating?"

I roll my eyes. "Stop saying I'm dating a girl. If you're GOING to say that, then say something that has more proof instead of saying that I talk to her and that makes us a couple. You're just jealous of Yoshira because you like me!"

Crystal's face turns into a bright pink. "You don't want me to knock you out, Gold."

"If I said yes, how would you do it? By using Attract and making me fall for you?" I wink at her. Crystal's eyes sparkle. She gets up from her chair and walks over to me. "Wh-what're you doing?!" I ask.

"You're right, Gold," She says, smiling. "I like you a lot! Now gimme a kiss!"

"Wh-what're you saying!?" I ask with horror in my tone. "This isn't you, Crys!" The students who are currently in the classroom are staring at us. She gets close to my face. "Crystal, are y-you alright?" Then I feel her lips collide into mine. She quickly lets go and then she runs into the wall. She starts punching herself in the face. Silver runs over to her and slaps her. 

"Snap out of it, Crystal!" He yells. Crystal stops punching herself and stares at me. 

"What just happened?" She asks. That's my question. What just happened?! All I did was wink at her!!

To be continued...

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