Bad News...

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(Gold's POV)

"Baka," Yoshira says with more tears coming out of her eyes.

"What the hell?!" I mouth. "Wait, you know how to speak Japanese now?"

"Yeah, Jewel and Crystal taught me!" Yoshira responds. 

"And why're you home?" I mouth. Um. Yoshira turns her head away from me. My Pokégear rings. It's Professor Oak! I put the phone to my ear.

"Gold? Gold?" Gah!! What am I supposed to do?! "Oh, never mind! I'm getting old! Well, I hope you're better now! Luckily, no human Pokémon have appeared while you were out! Bye!" And the phone hangs up. That was... kinda awkward. Ah well. I walk over to the couch, take my back pack off and put it on the table, and just sit. 

"Y-you're tired?!" Yoshira yells. "YOU JUST WOKE UP!!" I shrug and fall asleep.




"-ARE YOU DOING, GOLD?!" I open my eyes. Yoshira's... VERY close to my face. Her eyes are closed and her lips looks like she's trying to kiss! Something hits my face! What the hell? It was a pillow?? Oh... Jewel, Crystal, and Silver are here. Shoot! I just realize what they thought just happened! "GOLD, YOU PERVERT!" Jewel yells.

"NO!!" I mouth. I start waving my arms everywhere like I'm gonna die! Although, I might die now!!! "THIS ISN'T WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE! I JUST WOKE UP!!!"

"Gold has always been the kind of guy to do these things though," Silver says. Thanks a lot!! I look back at Yoshira. MORE TEARS ARE COMING OUT OF HER EYES?! WHAT THE HELL DOES SHE HAVE TO CRY ABOUT?!

"Y-you d-didn't want to Sweet Kiss me?!" She cries. I face palm. 

"Sweet Kiss will cause you to be confused, Yoshira!" Crystal says.

"But Gold doesn't want to kiss me!"

"Nah," Silver says. "He does that to girls all the time!"

"He-he does?!" Yoshira cries even more.

"Yeah, although he gets treated like dirt after!" Silver says, smiling.

"Your brain is filled with dirt!" I mouth back! He didn't see me mouth it though. "So, why're you guys here so early?"

"To see you, baka!" Jewel says. Okay, why am I being called an idiot?! 

"I'm going to miss that voice..." Crystal says. That's something Koyayoshi would say.

"Shut up," I mouth, looking away in embarrassment. My Pokégear rings. The kind of ring that means you've got a message. It's from Professor Oak. I look at the message.

"Gold, are you able to meet me here after school?" The message says. 

"Yeah," I reply. "Why?"

"I'll explain the details in person! Bye!" 

"Who was that?" Silver asks. I give Jewel "the look" and luckily, she understands. She nods back. Silver starts getting pissed. "What is this?! You talking about me?!" I shrug. Dang, I already feel weird! Not being able to speak! Jewel runs over to me and then lightly slaps me.

"Is this your "welcome back!" to me?" I mouth to her.

"I'm not gonna get emotional, jerk!" Jewel says, smiling.

I smile. "Your eyes're watery!"

"I h-have seasonal allergies!" She retorts.

"Yeah, right! So... how're the others?" I ask by mouthing. Everyone falls silent. Uh, what's going on?! It's as if the oxygen has left the room! 

Jewel sighs. "Red... had an incident!"

I give her the "You're kidding, right?" look. "Wh-what happened?!" I ask.

Jewel continues on. "R-Red... lost his memories and I mean ALL of them!"

"None of us were there except for Yellow!" Crystal says. "They were sitting by a lake that's outside of Viridian Forest and then a wild Gyarados appeared! It used Twister on Yellow but Red pushed her out of the way! Luckily, Yellow was safe! Unfortunately, Red was sent flying and hit his head HARD on the tree!" My jaw drops to the floor. Red pretty much almost died!

"Wh-where is he now?!" I yell-mouth! (A/N: That's a thing, right?)

"He was in that same hospital you were in except he didn't have any major injuries! It was only his head that had some minor pain! But now? Yellow's trying to get him to remember! She's really worried for him! She brought him to that same place the accident happened at! Professor Oak allowed her and Red to take days off from time to time! Again, Yellow's really worried for him!"

"Like how Yoshira was for me!" I mouth. Yoshira didn't see me mouth that, luckily!

"Hey," Jewel yells. "We were worried for you too!"

What the hell happened while I was gone? I'm pretty sure it was a HUMAN Pokémon! Gah, hope he's alright! I need to see himfor myself!

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