"Don't say sorry hyung. It's not your fault anyway. Father never cared about anything except the deals and money anyways."

"I'm supposed to walk you down, Tae."

Namjoon told him softly.

"Did he ask you to do that?"

Confused Namjoon shook his head.

"Uh no."

Sighing, Taehyung muttered dejectedly.

Of course he wouldn't have even bothered.

"Of course he wouldn't even care about who walked me down as long as I got that cursed ring on my finger and married that coconut head."

Namjoon sighed hearing Taehyung complain about Jungkook again.

Why wouldn't he just give him a chance?

"Tae, Jungkook isn't all that bad. At least give him a chance."

Frowning at the shift of the topic, he turned to his cousin.

"We'll talk about that later hyung. Are you walking me down now?"

Namjoon blushed slightly at that.

He didn't even know if Taehyung would like it, but to him Taehyung was like his own younger brother.

He murmured awkwardly, running his hand through his hair repeatedly.

"Yeah if you want to. I mean Jin would kill me if I let you walk down alone but if you don't want me to its okay."

Taehyung smiled softly as his hyung's awkward behavior.

"No no hyung. You walking me down is much better than Father walking me down. You've been more of a father figure for me than my Father has. I like this better than Father walking me down."

Namjoon smiled softly at Taehyung at that and put his arm out for Tae to loop his arm through.

"Let's go then?"

Nodding his head, Tae turned to the door leading to the hall, walking through it with his head held high.

But a gasp got stuck in his throat as his eyes fell on Jeon Jungkook.

He looked absolutely perfect.


The wedding march played loudly in the background as Jungkook kept glancing nervously towards the entrance down the aisle.

Taehyung still hadn't entered.

His cue had been around two minutes ago.

Had he run away from the wedding?

It's not that he's blame him for doing that.

He would have probably done the same if he was forced to marry someone he hated.

He's probably change his name to Justin Seagull and run away somewhere remote.

Hawaii probably.

Or he'd change his name to Carlos and go to Mexico.

He loves tacos anyways.

Just as he was thinking about how it had been two months since he had last eaten tacos, he glanced towards the entrance once more.

And this time his breath got stuck in his throat.

He was pretty sure he couldn't breathe.

And apparently the priest thought the same cause he thumped his back hard, causing him to gasp as air reached his oxygen deprived lungs.

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