Every step of the way

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It seems like the harder I fight to get better, the worse I feel. It's like that promise I made turned on me.

The nurse entered my room with a clipboard and a smile.

"Mr.Caylen, how are you feeling today?" She questioned as I pushed my body up. She walked over to the bed to give me a fresh cup of water and my pills.

She rubbed my shoulder as I gulped down the enormous pills and whispered what seemed like something sexual in my ear.

"When you get better, you won't have to be the only one in that bed." what does that even mean? When I get better I'm leaving.

I pretended not to hear her seductive words and turned to the side to look out the window. I saw Ricky's car pull up with only Jenn in it. My heart was racing.


I pulled up to the hospital that Jc was staying in and I couldn't be more nervous to see him. it's weird though because I love visiting him. I guess knowing that he's still not better kind of scares me.

I arrived at his room, the door was wide open so I let myself in. His nurses grilled me but I ignored it and ran straight to give him a hug... it's rare to see him awake when I get there. he kissed me quick and I could feel my cheeks blushing like there was no tomorrow.

"I... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to-"

"Stop." I responded quickly before he could even finish his statement. He hasn't kissed me in so long and it feels so good that he finally did it.
Clearly that nurse didn't like our kiss very much since she grunted out the room. I followed her out with my eyes and turned back to him.

"How are you feeling?" I said, trying to turn the subject away from the kiss to avoid further blushing.

"Ehh, could be better. I'm still extremely sore and can't eat much." he winced as he moved his arm. My poor baby, it really sucks seeing him in this state, I don't know how quick he's going to recover but I'm going to be by his side every step of the way.

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