We will get through this.

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In the blink of an eye I saw Jc's hand connect to Jenn's face and soon enough my fist was connected to his jaw. I cannot believe he just smacked her I cannot believe I just punched him. What the hell is happening right now?

"Jenn! I'm so sorry I didn't realize you were that close to me." he begged. She ran over and hugged me.

"Seriously Jc you need to leave." I said calmly I didn't want to upset Jenn anymore than she already was.

"But but.. Fuck I'm worry." he said running out.

"Jc watch it" we heard a female's voice coming from the hall and suddenly there was Jenn in my arms and Andrea staring straight at us.


"Ummm wow okay Jenn." I heard from behind me making me jump.

"Andrea! it's not what it looks like Kian was just here for comfort Jc smacked me." I said not knowing what else to say.

"He did what!" she ran over to hug me and Kian which must've been extremely awkward for him more than her.

"He smacked her Andrea, it was an accident but still he did a lot worse tonight and can we just be alone please?" he said which surprised me. Why would he ask his ex girlfriend to leave him alone with her best friend? Take a lot of confidence to do that, I wouldnt.

He took me to my room and we sat down while he put ice on the massive handprint on my face.

"You okay Jenn?" he asked in a nervous tone.

"Yeah. Thank you for being here Kian. Ummm."

"What happened?"

"Your knuckles... they're bleeding." I shook at the site of the blood building up on his left hand.

"Well yeah I punched him pretty hard." he laughed acting like nothing was wrong. I pulled Jc's bandana out and wrapped it around Kian's hand.

"Thanks Jenn." he smiled at me and leaned in closer to my face.

"No, thank you Kian. Without you I probably would have ended up letting him swindle me."

"Don't worry, we will get through this... together."

Together? yeah right Jenn, he only means as a friend he doesn't really like you. Why would he?

So many thoughts popped into my head and my insecurities really took over. Why does Kian like me so much?

"What's that?" he said immediately interrupting my thoughts.

"What?" I was actually quite confused.

"Why do I like you so much? someone was thinking out loud." why do I always do this.

"I like you because you're amazing Jenn. You don't try to be a girly girl and you don't try to impress guys you're you constantly no matter what. You're funny and awesome and beautiful. You should really stop underestimating yourself because you're a lot more amazing than you think you are." I could feel myself blush uncontrollably that's the sweetest thing I would ever expect Kian to say. Andrea got lucky with him.

"Do you ever regret not choosing me?" He asked putting me on the spot.

"I.. Uh...

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