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As I sit in my car, I feel nothing. 

As I sit in my car, I feel empty.

Maybe there's something wrong with me and I know I've done some awful things in my past but this isn't what I deserve. I don't deserve to go into my house and see what I saw, step in what I stepped in. Who would do this to me? Who would do this to their self? Way to fuck with my mind by covering your face so I would be forced to remove the bag, well guess what... I didn't. 


I dropped Jc back off at the Hospital and I could tell he didn't want me to go inside with him. I'm not sure why but something's wrong because I didn't get my kiss from him, smh how dare he not kiss me.

All the positivity in my head soon fades to dark as Harrison pushes his way into my thoughts. I'm a block away from home and he wants to do this now? Could've at least waited until I got into my bed, jeez. The thought of what he said runs through my spine and gives me the worst chills possible. I never once loved him, he knew I always loved Jc, that should be a sign right there. DO NOT LOVE JENN MCALLISTER , SHE WILL NOT LOVE YOU. Pretty clear sign right there.

I pull up to my dull looking house and push the thoughts aside, trying my hardest to be a happier person. But things just don't seem to work out, especially when your house is pitch black and the light switch is across the room. I haven't told anyone this but I'm actually afraid... of ya know, the dark. The voices in my head are laughing at me, I can feel them, and I kinda laugh along too, I mean that's ridiculous... who's afraid of the dark?

I walk across the room and step in a puddle nearly falling to the ground but make it to the light. I don't remember leaving water out before I left, or juice, or tea actually, the house was spotless. I flip the switch to see a pool of red leading from the hallway into the kitchen, that must've been what I slipped in. That's disgusting, Juice all over the floor. I get a mop to go clean it up but I feel the mop drop out of my hand and my legs rushing back to the car.


"J-ju-jay-jc! Ther-there was a a a a puddle, I thought it wa was juu juuuice."

"Jenn, calm down. Just breathe baby, what happened? why are you so worked up over juice?" Jenn doesn't usually call me during her panic attacks so I'm not quite sure what's going on.

"Jc it wasn't juice, it wasn't, I thought it was. It wasn't juice, IT WASN'T FUCKING JUICE JC." She starts sobbing into the phone and all I can do is stay silent, never knew she was this crazy. The thought is still processing through my head. 

"Jenn, what colo-" I spoke out but quickly got interrupted.

"RED!!!!!" She screamed as if I knew. I like how she answers my questions before I finish, it's so cute. No, think Jc, think... red juice. Wait, Blood?

"Blood? you saw blood Jenn?" My heart monitor started beeping faster and my heart started beating out of my chest. I need to be there with her NOW.

"Jc, I slipped in it, I slipped all up in it. I'm scared." The heavy breathing through the phone sent shivers down my spine and made me want to rip the cords off of myself to get to the house as soon as possible.

"Calm down baby okay?" there was no response. "Who's body was with the blood? There was a body right?" I asked, obviously there was a body, god I'm stupid.

"The hea... head was covered up w w with a plastic ba-" She spoke aloud but cut off. I looked down to see a little white circle spinning around on my phone. No way it just died, it was just on 50%. 

Now I have to go get her.

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