This Can't be real Part 3

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I awoke from my slumber and soon realized that what I assumed was a nightmare was actually reality and both Jc and Ricky were tied up next to me. How the hell were they able to pull that one off?

"Good morning lovely friends of mine." Andrea strutted in with a smile. You know what they say, never trust a person that smiles before 9am. I rolled my eyes and swung my head over to look at Jc. I blacked out last night so I don't remember anything but clearly something serious went down. Jc and Ricky both had scratches and bruises and stains of dried up blood everywhere. The sight made me sick and I ha to turn away before covering myself in vomit.

My stomach growled loudly and I started to ache when I realized that my urge to eat was increasing and my stomach was getting emptier. The aroma of bacon and blueberry pancakes filled the house and I'm certain that it was covered in drool.

"Here, some breakfast. Don't want you guys to starve." Kian said with a slanted smile. I think he was coming to the realization that what he was doing was wrong and pointless.

"Eat quick before she comes. Cough when you're done so I can quickly clean up." he spoke in a softer tone than before. I looked down then up hinting towards my tied up hands and he loosened the string, enough for me to eat at least. Luckily Jc and Ricky were still asleep so I wouldn't have to feel bad about them not getting anything.

The pain in my face developed as I woke up tied up to a chair. Jenn was wide awake, watching me as I slept.. I surprisingly didn't mind it at all either. At least I know she's safe and ok. Ricky got the worst of it last night since he's the skinny one. By the time Kian got to him, I was on the floor hoping that my death wasn't near. I felt like I was going to die last night. The amount of pain was insane.

"Hey." Jenn whispered over to me with her adorable smile.

"Hi." I mumbled, I didn't want her to see me like this.

"Kian is starting to soften up, I'm positive he's going to turn on Andrea soon." she grinned and turned away. Is he really going to turn on Andrea or is that just what he wants Jenn to think? She is pretty oblivious to these situations.

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