Say it again

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I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful girl in the world, sleeping next to me. No, we didn't do anything last night, she fell asleep while we were watching Teen Wolf. I slowly got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make some breakfast. I wanted to surprise her with some breakfast in bed, I just felt like that was the right thing to do. Of course Wishbone ran in the kitchen as soon as I started cooking up the bacon. I made the traditional Pancakes and Bacon, I would've made eggs but of course one of the guys finished the carton.

"Wake up sleeping beauty." I said as I walked into my room. She didn't wake up so I put the breakfast down on the side table and started hitting her with the pillows.

"JC I'm up! sheesh you could've at least hit me softer." She said laughing. I gave her the breakfast because I'm just so sweet and she smiled at me. I could tell that we were going to have a future together. Jenn is the one. The one I will always love. I love Jenn.

"Say it again..." Jenn said all confused as she hopped out of the bed quickly.

"Huh? What do you mean?"

She was suddenly in my face, "Say what you just said again."

"Jenn, what are you on about?" Wait, shit I think I thought out loud when I said I love her.

"You said it Jc. You said what you told me you would never say."

"Shit I didn't me-" She then went in for a kiss, cutting me off. Usually I get mad when people cut me off but hey, I got a kiss out of it.

"I love you too Justin" First person to say my name in a sentence as meaningful as that, I'm glad it was Jenn to say it. But, I still don't know where this is going. We can't be boyfriend and girlfriend because she doesn't want to hurt Lia, but I really want her to be mine. I'll just keep quiet for now.

As we lay on my bed, cuddling and such, I get an idea.

"Collab?" I asked with a cheesy smile.

"Of Course" she responded with her beautiful smile.

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