You're gonna regret this

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The next morning, Jc and I decided to go get breakfast at this cute little diner not too far away from the o2l house. I got bacon and blueberry pancakes. Jc got eggs, bacon, and waffles. It was a beautiful event because we usually go to a fast food place with our friends or we penny board to the fast food place, but we actually drove here, sat down and actually had a full conversation, we had a waiter and I don't know call me gushy but I really enjoyed it.

"So, where are we sitting tonight?"Jc asked out of nowhere.

"Huh?" I was pretty confused of why he just asked me that.

"The Fault In Our Stars , remember we have tickets for the premier?" I totally forgot I said yes and Harrison. I'm basically going to stand him up which I don't want to do.

"Can Harrison come with us? He has his own tickets." I said, I figured that would be a good idea.

"Sure, babe whatever makes you happy." He smiled and took a bite out of his waffles. I'm not a huge fan of waffles I don't know why, I only eat them if they're drowned in syrup. I whipped out my phone and texted Harrison.

To:HarrisonWebb- Hey, chanhe of plans. use that second ticket to bring sam or someone. Jc gave me a ticket and we're all gonna go together :)!

From:HarrisonWebb- Okay ! see you soon xoxo

well.. this is going smooth. I just hope Harrison doesn't flirt with me while jc is arpund, that could start some drama.. but whatever, I doubt he will.

Soon enough, we arrived at the premier and it was full of screaming girls and guys, a girl even snatched Jc's beanie, which wasn't very cool cause it was my favorite one of his. Then, we ran into Harrison who was with...... LIA!? He did that on purpose, I told him what happened between Lia, Jc, and I. Why would he do this?

"Harrison... what are you doing? why the hell would you bring her!?" I asked out loud so she coukd hear me.

"You brought a date so I did too. " he responded with a grin.

"This isn't a date though, we're all just hanging out. Take her out of here, or don't sit with us"

"Shut up Jenn, you have Jc right? So why am I a threat to you? are you jealous or scared that I'm getting him back?" She jumped in by saying.

"No, actually I don't want you around Harrison."

"I can take care of myself Jenn." Harrison replied.

"You're gonna regret this Harrison" I said, grabbing Jc and pushing through the crowd. Why does this shit always happen?

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