I just can't

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So Lia, Andrea, Kian, and Ricky walked in on Jenn and I making out on the couch which was fun. I never formally broke up with Lia so you could imagine what her expression was.

"Wh-Wha-w-w-What! Jc why!?" And then, she ran out crying, how unexpected *sarcasm* everyone looked at me and I ran out behind her. *how cliche right?* This is basically a tragic love triangle which I find stupid but it is my fault.

"Lia, I'm sorry. I just... I... ugh I love Jenn."

"I know. That's what hurts the most... knowing that you don't love me."

"I like you if that counts."

"It doesn't Jc. Love is what I'm looking for."

"I'm sorry I can't love you..."

"Why not? Why can't you love me?"

"I just can't... Jenn is the only person I will love. I need her." Then, she ran off crying and being like a typical white girl, she tripped like in the horror movies when the girl is running and trips over nothing. That's basically what happened. I actually laughed though. Kind of a dick thing to do but when you trip on air it's pretty funny. Jenn came outside and gave me a conforting hug. That's why I love her. I can consider Jenn as one of the guys, but she's still my girlfriend and still acts like a girlfriend.


We went inside about 20 minutes later because our butts were hurting from sitting on the concrete. Andrea, Ricky, and Kian were playing Mario Kart so Jenn and I snuck past to go into my room. We chilled for a little and talked a lot about everything that has happened and then had a heated makeout session which caught me by surprise. Jenn and I were on the bed and suddenly our shirts and pants came off. I stopped things from going any further though.

"What's wrong? I'm ready now.." She said to me pouting. Her pouting was sexy as hell, very tempting.

"I can't Jenn, I love you but I don't want to do this with you yet. I was dumb for having sex with Lia. I want our time to be special, and I don't want to seem like a womanizer having sex with two different girls in one month. I'm glad you trust me enough for me to take your virginity but you deserve your first time to be amazing, my bedroom with three people and a dog in the other room isn't amazing." I pulled her in for one last kiss and we put our clothes on.

"You're sweeter than people think you are Jc. I love that about you." I started blushing which was weird. Nobody ever makes me blush. That's how I know Jenn is the one, she is my life. We went out to play Mario Kart for the rest of the night. Jenn and I both won 13 times, Kian won 8 times, Andrea won 10 times and Ricky won 10 times. Since Kian had lost we decided to egg him. We got him outside and started throwing a lot of eggs at him. It was an extremely fun night.

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