Something always goes wrong

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"JC MY BOY WHUDDDUPPP!!!" I heard from a distance. It sounded like Nash Cam and Matt but by the look on Jenn's face... I didn't wanna turn around. And I didn't have to because they came and sat next to me.

"Sup Jenn." Nash said to her with a wink, but I let it slide we all know he's a flirt. She got up and started to walk away but turned around and looked at me.

"I think I left my.. uh my charger case in the car.. I'll be back." and just like that she was gone. I knew she was annoyed but I don't think the guys caught on.

"Hey guys uhh Jenn and I are kinda on a da..."

"No worries we can all have fun together." Nash said rudely interrupting me. Then suddenly a fan came up to us.

"Oh my gosh hi! my name is Leah and I'm just a huge fan." she said. She wasn't a complete psycho like most of our fans so we acknowledged her.

"Hey cutie, want a picture?" Cam said winking at her.

"Of course I do!" She responded with a huge smile, we all saw her blushing too haha it was cute.

Cameron pulled out his phone and took a picture of him kissing her on the cheek. "What's your twitter, Instagram and number?" he said, I guess that's the pick up line of our generation. It was clear that he was into her.

"He cam I think that's enough remember Kelsey your girlfriend....?" Matt said. Matt was always the responsible one in their group, no wonder Jenn used to like him.. that sounds a little lovey but oh well.

Leah left and I was starting to get worried so I left the guys and went to the car to find Jenn sitting in the car looking extremely upset and I automatically knew what was wrong. She left the doors unlocked so I hopped into the drivers side and tried to get her attention.

"Babe we can leave now and I'll pick up the picnic stuff from their house tomorrow." I said rubbing her back which was oddly cold considering the A.C wasn't on in the car.

"Just go Jc something always goes wrong you should've expected this so don't be surprised that I'm upset." I started the car and pulled out of the parking spot.

"I said go Jc!" You could tell by the redness of her face that she seriously did not want me around.

"Haha telling me to go is not going to work babe, I'm taking you to my house and that's it." I just hope she doesn't say anything to the guys. They aren't really fans of Cam and Nash. They like Matt though which is weird. Anyways I should probably get her to my place before she starts freakin out

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