Chapter 94

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Ruby POV-

I went through the portal and saw everyone having their guards up looking to find West somewhere. All you could see was the red sky and the blackened land. Rubble was scattered all over like a building had collapsed here.

Weiss: So this is where the Grimm are made. The place where Salem lived.

Yang: It's pretty gloomy to be honest.

I continue to look around until I heard a voice above us and look to see West.

West: Well this is just splendid! You five actually came here! To be honest I thought you all would come here with the Ace Ops.

I look to see that one of his arms has been torn off. He looked extremely tired.

West: Well then if I'm guessing right then you've come here to kill me. And I know that you all know that I'm immortal so that must mean you have a plan to kill me yes?

Suddenly out of nowhere he appears in front of me. With a white cloak in hand as I instantly knew who's cloak it was.

Ruby: Mom...

West: She came here to fight me but sadly I could not save her from her own destruction.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I took the cloak from West. I wasn't angry at him for some reason but at the same time I knew Mom had given us a chance to defeat West. That is probably what she would have wanted. West walks back on top of the rubble.

Yang: You Monster!

West looks back at Yang with her eyes glaring at her but had a soft smile on him. Everyone gets their weapons out and gets ready to fight. I was hesitant to get mine out but took Crescent Rose out and put it in scythe form.

West: Alright shall we begin I'm a lot weaker then I use to be but I can still beat you so don't put your guard down since I only have one arm.

Yang: That's the plan.

West takes out his revolver and aims it at us.

West: Good. Then let's begin...


West shoots his revolver at Weiss. She dodged and Yang jumped forward with Ruby using her semblance to get the jump the on him but West dodged Yang and kicked her behind him while West grabbed Ruby just when she got out of her semblance and chunked her somewhere else. Yang came back and punched West in the back making him fall off his tower. West got back his standing and saw Weiss summon her knight as the knight swung its sword down on West but jumped up and avoided the attack and kicked the knight making it shatter.

West felt something wrap around his arm and saw Blake had caught him with her weapon and pulled him closer to her as Yang stood right stood next to her with her eyes glowing red as she was about punch West. West reacted fast and shoot two times with his gun making both Yang and Blake back off as Blake loosened the ribbon as West got away. Suddenly West felt slower and saw a glyph that Weiss made slowing him down as Yang got the drop on him as West used Ruby's semblance and dashed away to safety. West felt someone behind him and turned his revolver into a sword and blocked a hit from behind from Ozma.

West: I must confess I didn't think you would fight me.

Ozpin: And let my students fight a monster like you. I couldn't...

West: How hypocritical....

West slashed his sword over head as Ozpin easily dodged the attack since Weiss was slowing West down with her glyph and thrusted his cane into West stomach. West quickly recovered and took a shoot at Weiss hitting her making her loose her concentration as West appeared in front of her.

West: Your number 1....

West kicked Weiss in the face completely breaking her aura and knocking her out. Yang yelled as her hair caught on fire as she rushed at West. West shoot his gun as he was about to shoot two shots but only shot one when heard a click.

West: Looks like I'm out of bullets.......I knew I should have gotten more when I got the chance.....

Yang punched West in the face where his Grimm eye was. Suddenly his face exploded from the remote shotgun shells as West was now missing half his face. His face started to regenerate slower then usual but Blake took the opportunity to restrain him before he could recover. Ozpin then took out the knife from Sol and plunged it in West's heart. West stood completely still not making a single move.

Blake: Did....did we get him......?

Their was complete silence when suddenly their was a voice.

West: Really a knife...

Everyone stood in shock as looked up to them only to see his face nearly recovered.

Ozpin: How?! That knife was supposed to kill you!

West: Geez.......I'm a little insulted that you think I would die from a knife to the heart!

West broke the ribbons that were that kept him restrained as quickly slashed his sword at Oscars chest completely breaking his aura and Oscar and Ozpin switching places. West used Weiss semblance and made ice to restrain Yang's feet and leaped to Blake and head butted her in the head knocking her out cold.

Yang: You Bastard!!!

West walked to towards Yang and punched her in the stomach so hard that it created a shock wave around them breaking Yang's aura and knocking her out cold as well. West looked around and saw everyone had been beaten but felt like something was missing.

West: Wait a minute what happened to-

He turned around only to feel pain in his chest as he saw Ruby with a knife in hand plunged right in his heart.

West: Well.........Played......

West fell over but Ruby caught him and laid him down gently.

West: I can't believe I let my guard down. I should have known better but I predicted that you would be like your sister and kept on attacking. Besides isn't it Blake's job to do sneak attacks....

West smiled but quickly started crying as his body started to deteriorate.

West: I guess this is it you finally killed this disgusting monster. You all will celebrate this victory and party all night. Man I wish I could have put on my act a little longer so I can celebrate the defeat of Salem but it's always me.....I wish-

Ruby: Your not a monster....

Wests eyes widen a little from her saying that.

Ruby: Your one of the nicest people in Remnant that just wasn't appreciated enough by the people around you. Your better then most people in this world.

West: I can't die now-

Ruby: It's okay.....You've done enough now. I think Oeste would like it if you could finally Rest In Peace.

West eyes widen even more but smiled.

West: I am. quite ..........tired.......Thank.......You.....Ruby Rose....

He then disappeared into dust only leaving behind a black orb that glowed white strangely and a white rose. Ruby picked up the rose and smiled.

Ruby: May you finally find peace.....West......


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