Chapter 43

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West POV

Black: Im so bored! How long until we get to this place.

West: It's only a few miles away we'll kill off the people in town and go back to Salem's castle.

Black: Fine.......

We continue walking but then we stopped to hear crying. I go to the source and see a little girl with black hair. She look to be injured. I come up behind her and she notices me. I see her eyes are filled with tears but what caught my attention was her silver eyes.

West(Thoughts): Silver eyes haven't seen that in a long time. Might as well kill her.

Girl: H-hello

She was in crying mess. I didn't feel like killing kids right now.

West: Hey kid what's wrong?

She shows me her leg. She seems to have scraped it and it looks bad. I sigh as I take a piece of cloth from my sleeve and wrap it around her leg.

West: So where's your family?

Girl: I don't know I was playing and I fell.

She continued to sob as I just stood up.

Black: Come on man we don't have time for this. Don't we have to kill silver eyes?

West(Thoughts): Salem didn't order it so we don't have to.

He just sighs as I pick up the girl.

West: What's your name kid?

Girl: (sniff) M-mary

She rubs her eyes of tears as I just smile but she couldn't see my face.

West: Well Mary why don't we find you're parents okay?

She just nods as I carry her and walk around the forest. I see a cabin and I look at the girl.

West: Is this your house?

She nods. I go in front of the house and knock. I hear footsteps as a man comes out of the house. His hair was brown and he looked somewhat scrawny.

Man: Mary!

I give him Mary as he holds his daughter giving her a hug.

Man: Thank you so much for finding her.

West: No problem. I will be taking my leave now.

I start to walk away but the man yells.

Man: Wait! Why don't you join us for dinner?

West: I would love too but I can't.

I start to walk away but now I feel a tug on my pants.

West(Thoughts): What now?

I look to see Mary tugging my pants leg.

Mary: Please stay.

I look at her but just sigh as I start to walk back.

Black: We are so going to get in trouble for this.

West(Thoughts): What ever who cares.

I go inside and have a bite to eat they were asking me questions on why I kept my mask on but I just said some random excuse. After I got done eating I start to leave.

West: I will be taking my leave and thank you for the meal.

I was leaving but something grabbed my leg again. I look to see Mary.

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