Chapter 87

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Ruby POV-
I sat in one of ships making its way back to Atlas. The General called us back to Atlas and stop evacuating the people. I don't know why though it was strange their were still plenty of people down their.

Weiss: I don't understand.

Weiss is aboard with me as I look look at her.

Weiss: Why would the general call us back without giving a reason?

Ren: Especially with evacuations still going on in Mantle.

Elm: You don't have to understand orders, kids. You just have to follow them.

Harriet: Civvy transports won't be stopping anytime soon. If the general says he needs us now, he needs us now.

Jaune: You all get to the general and find out what's happening. We'll bring Oscar and see you soon.

Sometime shortly after, We arrive in Ironwood's office, along with Harriet, Elm, Marrow Amin and Vine Zeki. Ironwood is sitting behind his desk with his back turned to us. Large military airships are visible through the window as I felt an ominous feeling in the room.

Harriet: General Ironwood.

Ironwood turns his chair to face us.

Ironwood: We have made a critical error.

He places a queen chess piece made of a black material on the table.

Ironwood: The Black Queen was the symbol Salem showed us before we lost everything. Her way of telling us she was inside. That it was too late. We stopped Watts. We stopped Callows, but someone was here. They put this in my office to tell me that--

A look of realization crosses his face. He then started to panic.

Ironwood: What if Mantle was just a distraction? What if it was just to draw us away from the academy to, to--

Weiss: Sir. I-it's going to be okay. We've got Mantle on our side now, and--

Ironwood: How do we know that wasn't part of their plan?

He brings his hand down on his desk and stands up. I look at him with concern, as he looked to be in panic about the situation.

Ironwood: How do we know they didn't want us to bring people into Atlas by the thousands?

Vine: In trying to save everyone, we left ourselves most vulnerable.

Ironwood: Salem has been one step ahead of us this entire time!

He angrily slams his fist down on his desk, denting it. The impact bounces Watts' bag and the chess piece, and the latter falls over and rolls across the desk, emitting black dust from it. I steps forward, staring at the chess piece. I pick it up and examine it. It reminds me of dust of Grimm after it dies.

Ruby: Isn't this-

Ironwood: Loyalty always matters!

I accidentally drop the chess piece on the ground as it shatters as the dust that came from it started to grow larger. My eyes widen as I see the dust form into a person. That person was Salem....She starts to speak as her voice echoed through the room.

Salem: The brave Huntsmen and Huntresses bested Arthur Watts. Congratulations....

Weiss, Blake and Yang stare at her in fear. Blake's cat ears are flat against her head. I am afraid right now but I speak up, showing no fear.

Ruby: We stopped Tyrian, too. And we'll stop Cinder, and anyone else you try to send here.

I step forward as I speak gaining more confidence.

Salem: Dear girl, their goal was never victory. It was merely to set the stage......but it doesn't matter anyway since I'm already gone....

Gone? What does she mean by that?

Ironwood: What do you mean your gone?

The General has fear in his voice as Salem turned to him.

Salem: It means I'm no longer your enemy. I've already been defeated. The me your looking at is just a piece of me before going into that prison.

Then I realize something.

Ruby: West already defeated you didn't he...

She looks at me as she glares at me but I don't stand down from her look.

Salem: Yes, but I'm only a delusion to you. Your real enemy is-

Before she can say anything else stops and seems to hunch over in pain as I see a Cako suddenly in front of her holding the chess piece.

Salem: Damn you! You failed-

Cako starts to crush the piece as Salem looks like she's in more pain.

Cako: So this is the frightening Salem that partner told me about. You don't seem like anything special.

Salem was glaring at her as as I can see Cako have a evil smile on her face as she puts the chest piece in between her teeth.

Cako: Now go back to your dog.

She bites threw the chess piece and breaks it making Salem disappear. Their was complete silence as the room was still time just seemed to freeze as the only person only to move was Cako.

Yang: So Salem was West.

Everyone was smiling happy that Salem was defeated as room began to feel lighter.

Weiss: I knew West could defeat her I don't know why he said he couldn't.

Everyone was overjoyed as I couldn't feel that joy that everyone else was having because I kept staring at Cako she didn't feel right. This victory didn't feel right. Is it even a victory or is just the beginning of something worse. Cako then turns to me as I couldn't get this feeling of discomfort out of my chest.

Cako: Wow! That was amazing you stood up for yourself against that Salem person! She was a very scary person I almost thought I was going to pass out but you stood their like wow that was just!

Ruby: Cako....

She stops talking as she looks to me with her happy smile on her face as her eyes looked like they had stars in them.

Ruby: Where's...........West?

Yang: Oh yeah where is West I kind of forgot all about him! I still can't believe West defeated Salem!

Suddenly the happy atmosphere that Cako brought out was gone and replaced with malice.

Cako: He's coming right

Suddenly the room became heavy. It felt like someone put a mountain on my shoulders as I felt adrenaline run through me telling me to escape this room. I look and see some of their legs give out because of how much fear was put into them. Everyone was silent as all you could hear was footsteps coming closer to the door. My heart raced in my chest as I felt fear of what was going to come through that door. I tried to stand brave but my body could not help itself but shake. Suddenly the doors slowly opened to Ironwoods office as I almost collapsed from the pressure of the entity that was about to come into the room. What I saw was a boy my age wearing a black military uniform and a cape behind his back the color of ravens feathers. He wore a cap on his head as he revealed his face. His right eye was black as night with his iris glowing red as black veins came from his eye and went down his neck. His left eye was silver and full of life but slightly dull. He wore a smile that could be that of a child. This person.......was West.

West: Hello you disgusting insects. It's been awhile.

West has returned!

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