Chapter 76

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Ruby POV-

I sat on a bench inside Amity Colosseum and celebrating. The thing we're celebrating is us becoming real huntress's. Although I am excited I still have this bad feeling in my gut. Something isn't I know what isn't right. West isn't here, at Beacon we all met and became a team together but he isn't here now with us. I wish he was here would have made this celebration a little more exciting since we would all be here. I sigh to myself and look at everyone having a good time. I then heard footsteps next to me and see Uncle Qrow comeing towards me.

Qrow: Big day for you, huh, kiddo?

He sits next to me having a smile on his face.

Ruby: It's... definitely a lot to take in.

Qrow: Which part? The finally getting to Atlas part, getting your license part, or the not quite disclosing everything to Ironwood part? Or... all of the above?

I have a small chuckle at the last part.

Ruby: All of the above I think. I'm trying to do what I think is best, but I really can't tell if what's best is what's right, or if I'm no different from Oz.

Qrow: Ruby, Oz only trusted himself with the whole truth. You're trusting others, but you're making sure they prove themselves first. I think that's a pretty big difference.

Ruby: I hope so.

Ruby(Thoughts): No it's not....

I look at my scroll and look at my license.

Ruby: This says I'm a Huntress now. But I don't feel like I know much more than I did at Beacon.

Qrow: That feeling never goes away. Your mom, Summer, would be proud of you.

I smile at him, but that smile soon fades as I thinks to myself.

Ruby(Thoughts): I wonder...

Ruby: Her... last mission. Was that another Oz secret?

Qrow: Hm. There were a lot of those back in our day. Maybe, I don't really know since that's your moms story. When you go back home she'll probably tell you.

Ruby: What do you think she would've done if she learned the truth about Salem? That she can't be killed.

Qrow took a few seconds

Qrow: Pressed on, I think. Like you. She was always the best of us. Although I think she already knew about Salem from West.

I frown a little but keep me my smile.

Qrow: Bit of a brat, though. But hey, I like brats.

I have a little laugh at that comment as I look back at the others.

Ruby: Where do you think West is....

Their was a bit of silence between the both of us as Qrow spoke.

Qrow: You know if I'm being honest I kind of forgot about him...

He looks away and looks at the sky with regret on his face.

Qrow: When I saw him without his mask I felt scared for the first time in a long time. It made me resent him made me want to get rid of him....But now that I haven't seen him in a long time I kind of feel bad for him that I hate myself for hating him.

Their was more silence as Uncle Qrow looked at me his eyes full of regret.

Qrow: All he really wanted was for someone to accept him for what he really is.....someone that he can trust, and I threw that trust away....we all did.

I sat their quietly as I was thinking to myself. He's right we just abandoned him like trash just like......Ozpin and Salem threw him away.
I stood up as I see Qrow looked at me.

Ruby: We'll get him back somehow, and when he comes back we'll ask for his forgiveness we'll make sure he'll never be alone again.

Qrow smiles and looks down at the floor when suddenly I hear Yang call for us as I make my way their to see what they wanted.


In the land of Grimm everything was silent all the Grimm that were their were gone not creature left to be seen. In the middle of the land stood a castle and inside held evil intentions.

West: Man how can you sit here Miss this seat is so uncomfortable. It's making my back hurt.

West sat on Salem's throne while all her subjects were passed out from West knocking them out. Salem on the other hand was tied up with chains around her body restricting her to move or use her magic. In the first time in a long time she was helpless. The only thing she could do was watch.

West: Anyway I think I've had enough fun. I've got a job to do you know.

West walks to Salem and held his gun to Salem's head.

Salem: Fool, you cant kill me with that I'll just come back.

Salem smiled as West just stared at her eyes.

West: Your right I can't kill you with this, but the thing is I'm not trying to kill you.

He fired his gun and Salem laid dead on the ground. Her body then glowed meaning she was coming back to life but instead she turned into a marble of some sort.

West: You see Salem I don't need to kill you. I just need you to be contained from humanity.

West picks up the marble and and gives a childish smile.

West: Welcome to your own prison where you'll forever be alone.

He puts the marble in his pocket and leaves the castle.

West: I wonder how Cako is doing on her end. I hope she takes care of her well and doesn't hurt her.

Far from West in the forest Summer sits in front of her porch of the house as she looked at her phone trying to get in contact with Ruby.

Summer: I hope Dad is okay he hasn't been answering his phone as well as Ruby.

She sighs worried that something might have happened. She then hears foot steps coming her way as she looked up to see someone in front of her with black clothing wearing a face mask with sunglasses.

Summer: Um can I help-

Suddenly she blacked out by the whip of Cako's tail. Cako then picked her up and opened a white portal and gently put her inside.

West: Yeah she's probably doing just fine.

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