Chapter 49

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West POV-

There was silence as all attention was all on Summer. She then started looking at me with a growing smile on her face. I look at Qrow as he just looks at me.

Summer: Weellllll.

I sigh as I prepare myself. Everyone is looking at me so I go ahead and tell the story.

West: Like Ozpin I too have been living a pretty long time.

I take a look at them and let it sink in.

West: Unlike Ozpin I cant die I just regenerate all my wounds I can't die from age and I'm stuck with this body. I also have the ability to use magic like Ozpin.

I lift my hand and make a flame then ice as the swirl around each other but soon disappeared as everyone looked in amazement.

West: And as for I can't beat her.

Just saying her name made me feel disgusted in my stomach.

They all looked at me with disappointment eyes as I just shrugged.

I take a cup of tea from the table and a straw and take a sip.

West: Over the time that I have moved around on this land I found a little girl and took her in under my wing. That little girl was Summer.

They looked at Summer with her smile still looking at me as I continue.

West: As time went on she saw me as a father figure and I.......happily took the job I guess. And now that she has Ruby I'm..............

Summer/Black: Come on say it.

West: I'm...................

I look at Summer as she has stars in her eyes waiting for me to say it.

West: (sigh) I guess theirs no going back.

I look at Ruby with her looking at me.

West: Ruby I would be considered your grandfather. Their you happy now.

Everyone on the room except Qrow had a look of shock in the room. As Summer screams.

Summer: Yes he's said it finally he said it!

I just sigh as I lay on the couch full of embarrassment.

Ruby: Wait that means West is my grandfather!?

Summer nods her head as I lay my face flat on the couch.

Nora: Well this is a shocker!

Ruby: Wait so what about the Grimm knight guy.

West: What about him?

Ruby: During the fight when you were poisoned it said something about me being it's Grandniece. Does that mean....

Before she can say anything black smoke comes out of me signifying that Black was being summoned. When he finally forms he goes to Ruby and hugs her.

Summer: Uncle Black!!

Everyone: Uncle?!

Qrow: Wait that's your Uncle?!

Summer just nods as Black let's go of Ruby and high fives Summer.

Black: Mission accomplished.

Summer: Yes!

I just groan with my face on a pillow even though my face was covered by my mask.

Ruby: I still have a lot of questions!

West: (sigh) You can ask as many as you want tomorrow but for now you all should get some rest.

Weiss: I think that's a good idea all this information is starting to make my head hurt.

I nod as I sit on the couch while Summer sits next to me.

Ozpin switched with Oscar and was about to leave but was stopped by Summer.

Summer: Oscar right?

Oscar: Yes that's me.

Summer: Well Oscar could you stay here for a couple of minutes.

Oscar: Um sure.....

He sits on the couch in front of us as we both sat their in silence as everyone has already left.

Oscar: What do you need from me?

Summer: I just need Ozpin that's all.

Oscar: Oh I see well I guess I'll just switch over then.

Summer: Well before you switch I just want you to know I'm sorry.

Oscar: F-for what.

Summer kept silent as I just stare into the abyss then back to him. He nods and switch with Ozpin.

Ozpin: Is their something you need Summer?

She kept silent but began to speak.

Summer: Do you want some tea I kind of want to make this private between us and Dad.....

Ozpin: No thank you.

She goes to the kitchen and we wait. Ozpin seems nervous but I know why. I just wanna see what happens to Ozpin.

Summer comes back with tea and offers me some and I accepted. I can feel it the hate is radiating off of her but she is keeping the facade as she just stirs her tea.

Ozpin: Its been a long time Summer.

Summer: It has.....

She takes a sip from her tea and makes eye contact with him but Ozpin seems to be looking away. There was more silence as Ozpin looks away.

Ozpin: So if I may ask where have you been.

Their was another few seconds of silence as I can feel the hate start to pour out of her as does Ozpin.

Summer: You know when you sent me on that mission did you know that I was going to die. I certainly did. When I saw Salem's face I knew it was certain death but instead of her just killing me she captured me. Imprisoned me,tortured me for five years. For her own pleasure. Then when I finally escaped what happens next...I get sent to a slave market used as some kind of animal. And all for what!!

She slams her cup on the ground and rushes towards Ozpin and slams him into a wall. It appears he was trying to get Summer to let go but she wouldn't as I was in my own thoughts listening to the conversation.

Summer: You lied to me sending me to my own grave for what thinking that I actually had the power to beat her! I lost 10 years from my family's life! 10 years lost seeing my daughter grow up! 10 years I could have spent with my father but no you sent me there so I could die because of a stupid war!

She lets him go as he falls to the floor coughing.

Summer: You know I should just kill you right now....

I was surprised that she said that as I continued to listen to the conversation.

Summer: But you still need to be kept alive to beat Salem. So I'll let you live. But if I hear Ruby gets hurt or if my Father gets hurt. I will hunt down every reincarnation that you make and kill Do you understand me.

Ozpin just nods as he has tears in his eyes.

Summer: Now get out of my sight.....

Instead of him getting up and leaving he just switch's over to Oscar as he winces in pain holding his neck.

Oscar: I'm sorry.....

Summer: Just get out of here.

He leaves as Summer comes to me and sits next to me.

West: Summer I just wanna say I'm so-

Before I can continue she hugs me sobs in my shoulder. I just let her cry as she falls asleep.

Next chapter will be a Q/A but still a chapter. It will be in Ruby's POV. So ask whatever and I'll answer in Wests POV and other questions.

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