Chapter 54

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Underground in the vault their laid a dead Vernal and Cinder looking behind her to see Raven with her eyes glaring red with anger.

Raven: I'm the Spring Maiden!

Cinder looks back at the motionless Vernal then to Raven again.

Cinder: Vernal was a decoy the whole time. The last Spring Maiden must've trusted you a great deal before she died. I bet that was a mistake...

Raven growls and shoots her sword out of her hilt, and the two Maidens begin their battle against each other. They strike at each other with a flurry of vicious sword strikes. The two eventually clash, the strike breaking Cinder's weapon and the shrapnel hurting her Grimm arm. She holds her arm in pain.

Raven: Aura can't protect your arm, it's Grimm.

Cinder pulls the shrapnel out of her arm and faces Raven again.

Raven: You turned yourself into a monster just for power.

Cinder: Look who's talking...

The two proceed forward to clash again. During their bout, Raven quickly switches between the various colored blades in her hilt to counter Cinder's various weapons that she conjures. As their battle intensifies, Cinder conjures a giant flaming sword while Raven uses her Maiden powers to create a massive ice sword. Their clash creates a massive shockwave that shakes the cavern, with the combatants above ground also feeling the tremors. They were both laying down and soon got back up but saw someone unexpected standing in the middle in between them was a boy wearing a mask. It was West.

Raven: You!


Cinder growls and makes herself a sword and slash's at West but he dodges the hit and stomps his foot on the ground sending out icicles at her as she backs up.

West: As much I would like a sword battle and have some fun, I need to finish this and get the relic.

Cinder slash's the the icicle and throws a fireball at West but he easily deflected it. Cinder was getting more and more angry and kept slashing at West and throwing fire at West as he kept dodging and blocking. Soon Raven tried to fight West but was easily thrown to the ground.

West: This is kind of unfair don't you think this is a two v one here.

Raven/Cinder: Shut Up!!

They both slash at West as he just jumps in the air and kicks them both in the face. Cinders eye was glowing even more out of frustration. Then Raven took an opportunity and cut off his arm as it just dropped to the ground.

Raven: How do you like that!

West: Hmmm......

Then Cinder came in and tried to incinerate him with her flames but got out of the way just in time as he picked up a rock and threw it at her as she was hit in the head only for her to shake it off and get punched in the stomach by West as she started coughing up blood. Then Raven came in and was going to cut him in two but he moved out of the way, only to receive a punch in the stomach as she hit a wall. He walked over to his arm and put it back on as he moved it around a little you could hear bones cracking as he moved it. Cinder made herself a glass blade and was about to run at West.

Cinder: Just die al-

Before she can continue she felt something restrain her arm. She looks down and sees a Grimm tendril holding her. Soon other tendrils came out of the ground and restrain her as she fell to her knees. Raven knew she couldn't beat West so she tried to escape but ultimately failed as the tendrils soon popped out of the ground and restrained her also. West was walking up to Cinder as she tried to use her magic to get free but with no luck. Soon West was right in front of her as he knelt down to her level. One of the tendrils loosened its grip on Cinder giving her a chance to attack West but he grabbed her arm and crushed it as she cried out in pain. West seemed to be examining the arm. It was Grimm he seemed to give off disappointment but he started to laugh.

West: Man I can't believe Salem tried to replace me with well, you.

Cinder was about to say something but stopped when she saw West taking off his mask when she saw his face her anger soon turned into fear. His right side of his face was like a Grimm his eye had that red glow with the side of his mouth showing sharp teeth as black smoke was coming out of that side. The right side looked like it was about to consume the left side of his face as the silver eye on his left sparkled in a way like a star in the sky.

West: Sadly you can't even beat me in a fight so your no replacement.

West leans up to Cinders ear holding her shoulder.

West: Your nothing without those powers. Nothing.

Cinder was about to say something full of anger but that anger soon turned into fear as she saw his face again. It felt like his eyes were piercing into her soul. Her instincts were telling Cinder to run as did Raven. She tried to squirm but felt something cold on her shoulder. She looked and saw that it was frozen soon her whole body was becoming ice. West picked up the iced Cinder and threw her over the ledge as West waved a goodbye to the frozen Cinder. West attention went back to Raven as she was squirming to get out. West seemed to go over to the giant door holding the relic and placed his hand on it as it glowed and opened.

Raven: How!! Just how!?

He doesn't answer and goes in and gets the relic. He comes back and picks up his mask that he left on the ground. He went right up to Raven as she was scared for her life. He only said a few words before letting Raven go and leaving.

West: You were a good student of mine Raven I'm disappointed that you came to this.

He tried to put up a smile but it soon just faded. As he went to the elevator and went up. He let the tendrils let go of Raven as she made her escape. West just sighs and waits to get to the top as he remembers the good days with Raven. If their were really any...

Ruby's POV-

Ruby: West!

I can't see it but I have a feeling that West was smiling back down to us and shares a brief glance at Blake. I see Emerald fall to her knees and begins to sob. Mercury and Hazel slowly back away.

Mercury: Emerald, get up, we need to go.

Emerald shakes her head and remains stationary.

Mercury: Emerald!

Emerald looks around as her breathing gets frantic. She holds her head and lets out a loud scream, activating her Semblance. Suddenly, the room turns dark as black smoke rises from the ground nearby. From it, a giant effigy of someone having their limbs countered and broken as she toward over us as she made an ear pierced scream but it stopped when I see Mom holding down Hazel and Mercury as I see West holding Emerald by the neck. He leans over her ear and whispers something. I tried to get closer but West lets go of Emerald as she makes her escape as Mom also lets go of Hazel and Mercury as they all make their escape. I was confused. I went to go and see why but Yang was the first to ask.

Yang: Why did you let them go?! We had them!

I look over to Mom and she looked to be going back to normal but soon was about to fall as West caught her.

West: That's why.

West left us with the relic and went somewhere else to let my Mom rest as we celebrate our victory.......for now.


Volume 5 done! Now on to 6 with more of me being tired but loving this story. Anyway hope you like this chapter and see you in the next one I guess.

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