Chapter 59

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Ozma reincarnates into a man with a tanned complexion and pale blonde hair, who had just stabbed a Beowolf with a pitchfork, causing it to disintegrate. Ozma takes the time to come to terms in his new body and surroundings. He looks up and sees people screaming and running into the forest he is in away from a burning town in the distance.

Ozma: Where am I?

Ozma hears a man scream, and looks over to see him flailing a sword at a Beowolf, which swipes at him to the ground, disarming him. Ozma's pevious soul takes over and runs forward, grabbing the man's sword and slaying the Beowolf. The man gets back up.

Man: Thank you. Please, tell me your name. Who are you?

Suddenly, Ozma's newest reincarnate has trouble speaking, and throws the sword to the ground in horror. He runs away confused but sadly in the distance he left someone to lay on the ground alone as the town burned.


Ozma was in the forest looking for someone and came across a house.

Jinn: During his years of travel, he heard the same frightened whispers that spoke of a terrifying sorceress who commanded dark powers in the wilds among the beasts and monsters. Ozma was convinced that this witch was Salem, and decided he needed to see what she had become.

The front door opens, and from the darkness beyond, Salem emerges, wearing black robes this time. She gives an angry glare while exiting the cottage, but suddenly, her expression softens upon seeing her visitor. Ozma likewise smiles back at her.

Jinn: Call it magic or call it something stronger, but in that moment, the two knew exactly who it was that stood before them.

Ozma and Salem walk towards each other, the two hold each other's hands, interlocking their fingers affectionately.

Ozma: What do we do now?

Salem: Whatever we like.

As time passes, the cottage changing from its dilapidated state to a much better condition, following with Salem and Ozma conversing with one another at a table on the front porch.

Jinn: Soon Salem gave Ozma the idea of ruling over everyone and Ozma agreed.

Blue smoke appears and the scene changes to a village that is under attack by a Nevermore. Suddenly, a purple energy surrounds the Nevermore, causing it to be bent and folded into unnatural positions. The Nevermore disintegrates, and the villagers watch as Ozma, once again wielding his scepter and wearing regal robes, and Salem levitate into the air side-by-side above them. They all bow down to the couple in reverence.

Jinn: The two amassed a following. That following grew into a prosperous kingdom and with the help of their weapon known as, Orion. 

The scene changes to someone, a boy in black robes crushing a skull beneath his foot as he looks over the burning village.

Jinn: They were able to expand much further then they would ever dream of. And soon at the head of that kingdom blossomed...a family.

Ozma and Salem watch their four daughters playing together, the little girls all wearing colors on their dresses similar to that of the Four Maidens. One of their daughters comes up to the two of them, playfully tugging on Salem's robe. The two parents smile at her before smiling at each other. In the distance in the corner the boy with the Grimm face looked over the children one of them came to him and was showing him her little doll as he smiled.

Blue smoke changes the scene again, showing a massive conflict between people and the boy known as Orion making thunder rain down on the people which is being observed inside a crystal ball by a smirking Salem. Ozma stands a short distance away from her looking outside the window.

Ozma: Are we sure this is right?

Salem: You said we needed to bring humanity together. In order to do that, we have to spread our word, and destroy those who will deny it.

Ozma gains a shocked expression on his face upon hearing these words. He turns to see his reflection on the window.He seems to be considering telling Salem the truth.

Ozma: This isn't what he asked of me...

Salem: What did you say?

The two then hear a door open, and their eldest daughter enters the room excitedly with Orion behind her looking down.

Eldest Daughter: Mother, father, look!

Their daughter then conjures multicolored wisps that fly in circles in front of her. Salem has a proud expression on her face, while Ozma looks on in surprise, before looking down with his troubled expression again. Then the one known as Orion spoke.

West: Miss Salem...

Salem: What is it you dog.

Orion lifts his head up to look at Salem in the but Salem got up and slapped Orion in the face leaving a bruise.

Salem: Don't look at me you disgusting dog!

Salem pulls his hair and slams him in the ground. The eldest daughter laughed at him like what was happening was actually funny.

Salem: Your lucky we still let you live here you disgusting mutt!

Orion: Yes I know Ma'am....I'm very sorry Ma'am it won't happen again.

Salem: Good. Now leave dog.

Orion left the room as Ozma had a very sad expression on his face.

Jinn: Soon after Ozma decided to tell Salem everything, the true reason the God of Light had brought him back, the Relics that they scattered around the world, and the day of judgement he had been told to prepare for.

Ozma finishes his explanation to Salem.

Salem: Don't you see? None of that matters anymore. Why spend our lives trying to redeem these humans when we can replace them with what they could never be?

Salem offers her hand out, but Ozma hesitates to take it, backing away in disgust. Smoke transitions the scene again showing Ozma quietly escorting his daughters through the quiet halls. The youngest daughter looks down the hallway but Salem was their angry as she attacked Ozma. Soon the two were in conflict and destroyed the castle killing the children with them as Ozma was crawling away from Salem as she burnt him to ash. Soon the scene changes with Ozma going threw his reincarnations as the scene finally changes to him being a a well-dressed man. He then asked questions to Jinn.

Ozma: Where are the other Relics?

Ozma: What powers do they posses?

Ozma: How do I destroy Salem?

Team RWBY watches as Jinn gives her answer to Ozma.

Jinn: You can't.

The smoke appeared again and showed that everyone was back outside in the snow as they look down and see Ozpin on his knees with his head down in sadness.


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