Chapter 92

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In the land of grimm West sat in what was Salem's throne. He looked out the window having a worried expression on his. He was worried about Summer since she escaped the white void somehow.

West: Where are you Summer....

Suddenly the door swung open revealing Cako. West stood up quickly looking at Cako if she had any good news.

West: Anything! Did you find her?! Is she okay?!

Cako: Please partner, slow down it's going to be okay, but sorry I still couldn't find her around. I'm sorry....

West looked down as he went back to his seat.

West: Please continue to find her.

Cako just nodded and went through her own portal and left. West looked back out the window seeing the weak Grimm leave the spawning pools. West decided to go outside and clear his mind while looking at the Grimm. One of the Grimm got a little to close to West as West lifted up his foot and stomped on its head.

West: All these Grimm are just so weak...

West added pressure to the the Grimm's head until it was crushed like a watermelon.

West: But I guess these will do for now.

West continued walking the lands seeing Grimm roam around and others being born it from the dark pools. It pretty interesting seeing a Grimm being born to say the least. West stood in front of one of the Grimm pools and started to make his own Grimm. He didn't feel like making something new so he just made a Deathstalker. It wasn't any kind of Deathstalker though it was much bigger and had much tougher plates then any other Grimm around. West sighed bored as he decided to go back into the castle when suddenly he heard lots of howling from the Beowolves as he turned around. West eyes widen seeing all the Beowolves near him started disappearing to dust and a women in a white cloak. West eyes widen in excitement and joy to reveal Summer.

West: Summer!!

West quickly gave Summer a hug. Summer had a expression of shock but hugged West back having a smile on her face.

West: Where have you been?! You had me worried sick you know that!? Let's go inside so no one hears our conversation!

Summer just decided to listen to West as her eyes were covered by her hair.


Summer was pulled by West to come inside. As Summer remembered these walls that she used to see everyday. Being imprisoned here by Salem was a nightmare. Summer took a deep breath calming her nerves.

West: Is everything okay Summer?

Summer just nodded as West continued to lead her somewhere. They then arrived at where Salem's throne was but instead of Salem being their it was West that took over.

West: Where have you been I've been looking for you, you know.

Summer: Sorry....

Their was only silence as West just sighed and  sat down as he looked at Summer having a smile on his face.

West: Well anyway I guess you should go back, here I'll make a portal for you to go back home.

West made a portal to the white void as Summer had a sad look in her eyes.

West: What's wrong you look sad....

Summer: I know....

West: Hmm...

Summer: I know what you've been planning...

Summer looked up to look West in the eyes.

Summer: And I want you to stop.

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