CH. 17

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"King Winfield, your Highness. We are sad to say we still cannot find news, not even a trace of your daughter." The spymaster's eyes looking at Winfield eyes head-on. Due to the sypmaster's experience and training, she knows that His Highness is really worried and sad for his youngest. "I sent scouts and bought information to the empires of Flaveron, Drueton and Animastia, even to the kingdoms of Mephista, Hornfall and Kravisus but to no avail."

"How about the smaller kingdoms and baronies?"

"I already sent scouts to the smaller territories adjacent to the prior target kingdoms and empire, your Highness. They will arrive by a week or so. But your Highness, I have a concern. This would require a lot of money for bribery, information buying, logistics and recruitment to manage and oversee this search." At the end of it all, money is needed in the kingdom's operation. 

"Name the price Shaelo, and I'll get the money.. I need to see my daughter." His stern eyes matched with his firm voice, but if you know him enough, you'll know that it has a worried tone in his voice. "I wish I could have been a great father Shaelo." Winfield told his spymaster. 

"You are. You've been doing your best as a king to your kingodm for your people and your children, Winfield." Shaelo answered with pity. Even when they were young, Winfield was always guarded with his emotions. He really is a guy with a problem on showing his affections.

"Thank you for being my right hand man." King Winfield is known as "Winfield the Indomitable" in the battlefield due to his mastery in sword and shield combat and using abjuration magic to boost himself, especially his defenses to withstood enemies' attack and tire them out so he strike them. In court, he's known as a stern and just ruler - sticking by to every word he say and making sure to think about all things and waiting for a good amount of time before giving a final say.

*knock knock

A knocking can be heard from the door of King Winfield's private chambers. 

"Come in." King Winfield answered.

"Your Highness, lots of nobles, practitioners and specialists have come today. It's the recruitment day according to the paper sent by your daughter Princess Ravenna." The voice of the head butler can be heard at the other side of the door. Due to Ravenna's actions, corrupt officials were removed and lots of positions were open.

"Wait for me in the wing's exit."

"Yes, your Highness." Pair of steps fade as it goes farther from the door.

"Your Highness, this is the list of the nobles and officials that were removed to their position by Princess Ravenna. It is the detailed accounting of every corruption and the embezzlement they made along with the group's name and associations they have contacted to with." Shaelo is in awe as he scans the pile of papers that the youngest princess left. "I didn't know that Princess Ravenna is proficient in legal works and accounting.."

"Yeah, I read the file already. It seems we were right the whole time to suspect these group of people. We can't just do anything since we lack evidence. I don't even know how Ravenna got these letters and evidences. to finally pin these politicians."

"She's more talented than your spymaster." Shaelo said teasingly while a shy smile is creeping in his lips. He knew something was up when Ravenna told him to stop his spy activities from the warring empires and focus the attention on smaller kingdoms. He didn't even know that she knows that he is the spymaster - it is between him and King Winfield. Everybody knows him as the Vice Minister in Communications.  "But we still need to pinpoint who are the ones behind the leakage of confidential information within the kingdom that allowed the corrupt officials to evade us."

A Genius, Mafia Heiress Reincarnated in Another Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें