CH. 8

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Somewhere from Drueton, a guard is running from his post quickly to the castle gates. He has a very important news to announce to His Majesty, the Great Emperor of Drueton - Emperor Percival Anthonius Foxgard. Emperor Percival is known before as the most vicious emperor of the Drueton earning his epithet, the Steel Blood Emperor. He commits countless atrocities that degrades human beings back when he was the prince. As the only children of the royal bloodline,he succeeded his father to the throne. It was rumored that he killed his father and all his siblings through various methods just to hasten his ascension to the throne.

When he became the emperor, he made Drueton a military empire. Countless law reformation were made to focus all the empire's resources to building the army. At the first war of Drueton as his Emperor, his battle prowess was seen by countless men.

He was a monster.

His achievements in empowering the army and reforming the government system of the Drueton Empire were known throughout the continent of Tadorea. Many kingdoms were conquered by the Drueton Empire during the first few years of his reign due to his thirst for domination and power.

But this time, the news were different...

"I have brought news, your Majesty..." there is a doubt and fear from his voice. "But for some reason, there seems to be a problem, your Majesty." shivering, he lowered his head looking at the floor. Various prayers were being recited in his head to different gods, just so the emperor can stay calm.

"What is it?" he said in a delighted tone, hoping for a good news in his conquest. He raised his hand holding a cup and drink from it, waiting the next words that will be said by his servant. "Is this about our armies in the southeast not answering any form of communication? Did the Gelier Kingdom, Hoffenpost County and Geldor City surrendered?"

"Yes, your Highness. This is about those armies... Currently, the armies in the Hoffenpost and Kheldor City are doing good. But General Kravitz assigned to the Gelier Kingdom came back, your Highness..."

"Wonderful! I did not have anticipated that the conquest for the Gelleit Kingdom will be that easy. Besides, there king, what was his name again? Winfield? I really think he is a coward. Weakfield is better for him. He he!" Percival keep talking on and on, degrading the Gelleit Kingdom who unbeknownst to him is a home of a genius monster.

"I really thought something came up since all of the armies in the southeast have not yet send any mail. Well it is to be expected since " He said lightheartedly, smiling like it all went according to his plan. "Make sure that all the men in the army are properly awarded. How did they win? Did the Gelier Kingdom surrendered?"

"No, your Highness..." the soldier was nervous and careful of how will he say the next few words. "The problem, your Highness, is that the General came back.. with no men in his banner. He came back full of wounds and scratches."

"What?" Emperor Percival said in a dark manner. "Repeat what you have said.."

"The General came back with no men in his banner.."

The atmosphere became dark. All the people present in the throne room quivered in fear. They know that if Percival get mad, there are persons that will be caught in his fury.

"WHAT HAPPENED? WHY IS MY ARMY WIPED OUT?" With a distorted face, he is screaming at the soldier. "WHERE IS HE? THERE IS NO ROOM FOR ANY WEAKLINGS IN MY EMPIRE!" his veins popping from his head out of pure anger and dissatisfaction. All of the soldiers are quivering from their posts due to the enraged voice of Percival.

"He is here, your Majesty. And he said that he has important news to announce."

The general appeared in front of the entrance to the throne room, limply walking full of burns and bruises from the explosion by the half tiefling-aasimar spawn, Zaltino.

A Genius, Mafia Heiress Reincarnated in Another Worldजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें