CH. 3

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     "I will run the kingdom while you are gone, Father." she said without a hint of doubt in her voice.

Every one of her siblings look at her for a second and suddenly laughed, except for Merchius and Kallapher.

     "How could you run a kingdom Raven? You don't even attend your training and academics." Prince Symon, her fourth sibling and third older brother, has always been "kind" and"concerned" of her. But thinking about it, his concern is somewhat belittling and sarcastic and the old Ravenna is just to naive to see that. "You only attend your etiquette class and your dancing lessons." he added.

     "Are you playing a joke on us, dear little sister? If you are, please stop. You have already distracted us from our discussion. And this further proves you childishness." Her only sister, Princess Gravea, has always been her competition. Gravea's greed in claiming the throne has always been apparent to her back when they were kids. She was really competitive to all things and really wants to make her mark in the kingdom, eager to prove that she is not just a trophy wife as a a pass to get to the royal family.

     "With all due respect to my youngest sister's wish, father; she cannot be your substitute to the throne since she has not been formally introduced in the court as a lady and as one of your legal successors." Prince Kallapher reasoned while looking at Ravenna and the King. The second prince, Prince Merchius, just silently ate and listened to them, looking at what may be the result of this argument which made Ravenna curious. A smile creeping to her face.

     "Is that written in the law, father?" Ravenna asked innocently. She just needs to find a loophole in the written law. Since the government type of this world looks like medieval, she knows that some laws doesn't make sense or has a loophole. Besides, if there was none then she could at least find a general detail that can be exploited to her advantage.

     "No.." Her father replied while thinking.

     "The law states that anyone can be appointed by the king as his substitute as long as the person is a citizen of the kingdom. The person should also be literate. Finally, the person should be capable to protect one's self." The second prince replied. Merchius always goes with logical reason and uses it to exploit things for his gain. But, what will he gain from this? Ravenna took note if his brother's action, smiling wider at the events unfold.

Skills in this world are normal. Skills are also like the game skills Ravenna has, doing it can let you acquire it or level it up.

     "That's... correct." Kallapher said undefeatedly. Ravenna smiled like she won a hand in poker. 

"There was no age limitation in the law. And as I can see from it, anyone can be a substitute as long he or she is from our kingdom, can read and write and knows magic or knows how to handle a weapon." she happily and confidently said, teasing Symon and Gravea.

The king kept thinking what her youngest daughter was proposing. He could not just leave a kingdom of people to a childish person like her daughter.

      "You don't have any skills in battle, dear sister." Symon said. "Remember, you don't attend your sword training or magic studies. But, that is okay. You should let the older people handle this." Symon smiled charmingly but Ravenna was unconvinced. She can feel the sarcasm and the killing intent in his actions.

That is not how an assassin should be. She thought.

      "Try me." she smiled while giving him the cold eyes of a killer, which made Symon's spine chill and shudder.

"Is that really Ravenna?"  He asked himself.

      "What can you do, Ravenna?" Gravea said in a grudging tone. Ravenna knows that concealing the real limit of her skills should be a priority since people hate it when they know there is someone powerful among them. 

     "I can use a sword and knows basic abjuration magic." She playfully said in an innocent manner.

Abjuration Magic is a school of magic that specializes in defense, protecting and empowering allies. It is also use in countering spells and healing allies from damage and infliction.

      "If I fail, I will drop my candidacy to the throne and my nobility. You can even exile me because of the mishandling of the kingdom which endangered the people." She said in calm tone while smiling, shocking everyone at the table, especially the king. 

     "Are you sure of this Ravenna?" The king's brow furrowed which slowly turned in to a sly smile. He likes what is going on with Ravenna, a gambler making a huge bet, gambling her whole life in the line. But Ravenna was not like this...

     "Yes, father." she confidently smiled, keeping her innocent smile. "I will never return and I will never plead for leniency. My name day is to come in a few days and as an adult,I should uphold my words and promises."

     "Then so be it, Ravenna." The king said in a firm tone, holding his both hands supporting his chin while his brows furrowed. "You will be my substitute. Kallapher will lead the defense against the Drueton Empire in the western towns of Mavric, Harthstock and Sidford Village. Gravea will be the one to lead the investigation about the underground syndicate. Merchius will represent us to collect funds and borrow money from the bank. And you, Symon, will accompany me to diplomacy talks since you have nothing to do." The king stood up and left the table before anyone talked. His decision left the people in the dining room shocked.

     "Father, this is unacceptable. She doesn't know what she is talking about." Anger and jealousy can be heard in Gravea's voice. She cannot tolerate that her sister is given an opportunity, way before her when she was of the same age.

     "She should challenge one of us first and see if she can really handle herself in a battle." Symon suggested but the king didn't mind them. He just kept walking. 

     "I will excuse myself now. I need to prepare." Ravenna stood up and walked herself out of the room quietly while the servants assisted her and followed her to her room.

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