CH. 10

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Tenth day of Julius, Seventh month of the year 531.

A week has passed since the departure of King Winfield in search of an alliance to fend off the raid attacks of the Drueton Empire. However, his search for alliance was not entirely successful. Out of nine kingdoms and individual cities he visited and offered an invitation to the alliance, only three of them agreed into a military alliance against the mighty Drueton Empire, two of them are unsure about joining the alliance. Four of the remaining cities are either too scared to anger the Drueton or is not in good terms with either the Flaveron Empire or Drueton Empire. 

According to the agreement made, it seems that it was made solely for war. It will be voided or dissolved immediately once the Drueton Empire stopped on harassing them for two years. This means that the kingdoms and city-states who agreed are in it just for self-preservation and protection but is not totally invested, making the agreement shaky.

With a heavy shoulder, the king returned to the kingdom. He needs to know what happened to his kingdom, especially he keeps receiving huge news these past few weeks.

    "Your Majesty... I have another big news for you." A guard said in a polite manner while riding a horse matching the speed of the carriage that is carrying King Winfield and Prince Symon.

    "What is it?" The king said nonchalantly while eating inside the carriage. Symon, on the other hand, is reading a new grimoire he distorted in illusion because he bought it secretly at a black market.

   "It seem that Princess Ravenna imprisoned three nobles and fired four officers, your Majesty." The guard said, exhaustion can be seen from his face from riding the horse while speaking in a loud and polite manner so that King Winfield and Prince Symon can clearly hear his message.

   "Thank you." The king replied while thinking deeply.

    "What is dear sister's planning? I told your father. Sister is not up to this task. If she continues on imprisoning and firing people, there will be no people left to do tasks." Symon said while busy reading a spell book he bought from his faction. 

There is nothing to be surprised about. The past news he received while travelling from one city to another were already surprising, making this one and the next news insignificant.

   "Your Majesty, Princess Ravenna made five laws in one day about farming, security and budget management."

   "Your Majesty, Princess Ravenna fired 10 employees, imprisoned 2 nobles and stripped title from 4 families."

   "Your Majesty, Prince Kallapher has a message for you. It seems that Mavric Village along with the Harthstock Village, Sidford Village, Gorsey Town and Erast Village was already raided by the Drueton Empire. For some reason, all the villages were empty and all the people relocated to the Mavric Village."

   "Princess Gravea needs additional funds for her project, Your Majesty. She needs an estimate of 1,200 gold coins for hiring and equipping people."

   "Your Majesty, it looks like an accident took place in the kingdom where the Andromeda Enterprise is standing. It was burned to the ground. Upon further inspection, there were cells and chains for prisoners underground that was also burned through magic."

   "Prince Merchius successfully borrowed money from the Bank of Violebia, your Majesty. But, his bargain was only accepted when he borrowed a quarter of the original proposed loan with 30% interest."

   "Another news, your Majesty. According to the Treasury, our income increase by two-folds since last week. And three banks, along with the Bank of Violebia, are now willing to loan us money for some reason., which I may add seems questionable, your Majesty."

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