CH. 16

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"Oh! so that's why this is an uninhabited and a dangerous path!" Seala exclaimed in glee. "It's infested by drows!" she jumped in joy in cirlces while clapping. 

"Yes, we can see that, dumbass." Morgana face palmed herself in disbelief. "Sometimes, Seala can get so damn naive..." She thought. 

"Aluin and Morgana, make sure to protect your assembly; Kings, help them." Ravenna immediately thought of the newly evolved beings. They may be stronger but they are outnumbered and are not well-trained in combat yet. "Why do I aways get into a war? Hays..." Ravenna sighed in disbelief.

"Yes!" Aluin vanished immediately from his shadows and Morgana disappeared from where she is standing, creating a sparkle of nature energy

"As you wish, your Highness."  Long said, which was agreed by the other 5 entities. "I got this!" Zuzu said. A mist suddenly enveloped them; by the time the mist dissipated, the six people are gone already.

"Medium Enhance!" Ravenna immediately casted a shortcut abjuration buff spell that consists of multitudes of spells that increases all of her stats and of her servants which cost a lot of mana (if she were a normal person). But, since she has a lot of mana, it's not a problem. Furthermore, her ability "Dominus Echidna" magically links her to all of her servants which somehow lets her use their powers and mana reserves. 

As she walks and prepares, she created a magic blade out of her hand and enchanted it with mana to strengthen it further. The female leader of drows rushed in front of Ravenna which she blocked with her own magic blade. Hundred of drows appeared from the dark foliage jumping from trees and running from the bushes into them. The female leader of drows quickly engaged Ravenna

"Oooohh.. fast reflexes! Hek!" The drow smiling in ecstasy each time her long dagger made out of black steel are being deflected and blocked by Ravenna. "Faster! Faster! Faster!" The drow now laughing and letting out his long tongue go out of his mouth. Ravenna deflected both of her daggers simultaneously letting the drow defenseless for a mere second.

"Too slow!" Ravenna smiled and immediately appeared at the back of the female drow, taking advantage the second of defenselessness kicking her head and throwing her across the formation of rocks. 

"How many drows are there?" Ravenna asked.

"1025!" Blackwing and Seala answered. Both of them have detection abilities; Blackwing has a true sight because of his overseer and oracle class while Seala is sensitive to vibrations.

"Want to have a contest with me, Nansi?" Zaltino asked her while a smile is plastered in his angelic looking face with devilish smile, while holding his buster sword in his hand.

"Sure." She answered with a nod. Her fist in front of her while her insect legs at her back coming out.

"How about the one with the most number of incapacitated drows, win." 


"How about without magic?" The two immediately agreed with Blackwing's suggestion and engaged the drows. As they went inside the forest, they made a path full of unconscious bodies of dark elves as they proceed. "This is fun!" Nansi even commented for a while.

"I'll deal with them your highness." Drovan said while smacking each drow that came his way with ease. "Not you, Drovan. Your power is a bit on a wild side. Let's not destroy the forest. Morgana may have a hard time restoring the forest. Try to minimize casualties by using your fists. Hehe." Ravenna immediately thought of the consequences if Drovan tried to go all out.

A Genius, Mafia Heiress Reincarnated in Another WorldNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ