Chapter 37: Argus

Start from the beginning

Maria: "Maria Calavera, I was in the train cart that these younglings derailed."

Soon the group sat together at a big dinning table with Y/n at its head.

Y/n: "Ok, let me start with the information I owe Hera." Qrow jumped up from his seat.

Qrow: "You cant be serious Hawk, you cant just go around and tell everybody."

Y/n: "Sit down." Qrow hesitated but did as he was ordered. "She has every right to know this, just as we had every right to. Her daughter is in danger, more so than we are."

Hera: "Phyrra?" she looked at her daughter confused at the mention of danger.

Y/n: "Are you familiar with the tale of the four maidens?" Y/n asked.

Hera: "Of course, I read it to Pyrrha when she was young."

Y/n: "Good. It is real. The maidens exist, the wizard exists. Your daughter is the current Fall Maiden and due to that she gained a giant target on her back, a group of people working from the shadows aiming to destroy the kingdoms seeks the maidens to steal their powers. I..." Y/n hesitated. "I am also at fault for having brought your daughter into this dangerous situation. Back at Beacon I joined Ozpin and his circle of defenders, their goal was to fight this shadow group and keeping the kingdoms safe. It wasnt long until I learned about what happened to the last Fall Maiden, she was attacked and fataly injured, with half her powers stolen, the other half needed to be transfered to keep it save and Phyrra was the best choice. With my help Ozpin managed to convince her." Y/n shocked the room as he got up and fell to his knees his head planted on the ground. "I apologize for having done all that, I swear on my life that I will everything to keep your daughter alive."

Hera: "Listen Y/n. I know my little girl better when she knows herself. If what you told me is true, then there is no doubt in my mind that Pyrrha would have agreed even without you convincing her. So raise your head and be proud about what you did. Because I am proud of you." These words echoed in Y/ns mind, he cant remember the last time someone other than his aunt having said these words. 

Ruby: "Yeah Y/n, comeon dont be so hung up about that. Do you see Pyrrha cry about that?"

Y/n: "Yeah yeah I got it, I got it. Just wanted to make sure Hera knows all of this." With a smile Y/n sat back down and continued the briefing. "Now back to what I needed to tell my team. I died." A crash was heard as everyone that was around the table comically fell off of their seats. "I met the Brother Gods, they revived me gave me back my arm, healed my wounds and gave me a mission. I shall end the war between Ozpin, or better Ozma how he is actually called, and Salem, the two of them were once lovers, but after Ozma died and the gods denied Salems request of reviving him, she went mad, led an army against the gods, resulting in the extinction of the first civilisation. The rest of Ozzies story he already told us and is still correct. Back to my mission, the gods gave me the power to control the relics, currently I already absorbed the Relic of Knowledge and she was kind enough to tell me what the other relics can do and how to use them. Problem now is that we need to collect them, learn the names of the beings locked inside of them and find a way to kill and immortal witch. Oh and Ozzies has thrown a tantrum and locked himself in Oscars head not wanting to come out. Questions?"

Nora: "Are there pancakes on the other side?"

Y/n: "I wasnt really on the other side, more like in an empty void , probably a place in between." Y/n answered with a shrugg.

Ren: "What is the plan now?"

Qrow: "Get to Atlas, collect the relic, let Y/n absorb it, find the other relics."

Weiss: "Wont we need the maiden to get the relic?"

Qrow: "The maiden is in Atlas in the HQ."

Y/n: "Wait... Are you stupid?" Raven snorted out a laughter. "You cant be serious." Y/n said while looking at Oscar and Qrow. "You seriously managed to gather 3 out of the 4 maidens right where their relic is? I could understand keeping Amber at Beacon because it was the safest place at the time, I was fine with Raven being in Mistral cause she couldnt know about her relic being there, but you seriously took the maiden to Atlas where her relic is? Did you ever stop to think how idiotic that is?" Y/n ranted.

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