Chapter 12

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"We can chill, or get hot?" Ashley said. 

"Chilling sounds great, Ash" I said. I could see a flicker of disappointment flash in her eyes, but she quickly hid it with adorable smile. "Ash, that's a new nickname." she said. I just smiled. I liked the name Ash, it was simple to use and she was smoking hot like an ash so the name suited her perfectly. "Thanks for saving me earlier." She said. "It was nothing just in the right place at the right time, but it looked cool." I said. She was smiling, god her smile was adorable. "It was nice to see you cheering." I said looking her in the eyes.

"It was nothing, I mean we had to practice anyway so why not cheer for someone while doing it." We put in a movie a few minutes later, and she started to cuddle up to me. I could get to this. I didn't know if we were dating or not, but this was kind of fun. I told her I would be willing to try, but she never said anything.

"So, what are we?" I asked. I genuinely wanted to know. She looked at me. She stared in my eyes for a good minute just smiling. Then she connected our lips.

"So, are we together?" I asked still confused. She leaned in and I thought she was going for another kiss, but she leaned to my ear. "Yes." she whispered and then she bit my ear. She kissed me and this time I kissed back. She was a good kisser. She licked my bottom lip asking for permission, and I obliged. She started climbing on me, but I stopped her.

"I don't want to move to fast, let's take it slow, I want to see where this goes." I said. She nodded and the cuddled up to me again. We watched the movie, but Ash fell asleep. She was adorable when she was asleep. 

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