Chapter Twenty Three

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My mouth dropped in shock. "Oh my god." Was all I could seem to say.

Something seemed to pop into the gamma's head and she got up and started to run back to the sunken rock. "Oh! Come on, quick! Honey is furious at First Kappa and Honey looked as if she might attack First Kappa," Blade explained to me as I followed her.

I could hear the commotion before we got there and when arriving I could see what Blade meant. Growling and shouting at the kappa leader, Honey looked so ferocious that she could probably scare and intimidate me pretty badly. First Kappa growled and snarled back, yet her tail hid in between her legs, showing how scared she actually was. Ram stood in between the two females and repeatedly telling his mate to calm down.

What should I do? An idea came to me. Should I use my alpha voice? No, it isn't needed. I don't want Honey to feel like how I felt when Chase used his gamma voice on me. I mustered up my courage and walked towards the potential fight. "Stand down! Both of you!" I spoke with power and authority, despite not using my alpha voice. All of the wolves snapped their heads at me, including the bystanders.

Honey looked at me in surprise and relief and ran up to me, instantly forgetting about the first kappa. "Thank the moon! You are alright," she said with relief and gave me a wolf hug. "I thought you got lost."

"But I didn't. Now what's the fight for," I asked her with a suspicious look.

She flattened her ears in defeat. "She suggested you go into Alpha's mind and could have died. I was extremely mad for her suggesting such a dangerous thing," she explained.

"Understandable. However, even if I had died you would have a pack to protect and creating a problem within the pack would be the ultimate enemy. We have to stand strong together, not divided." She nodded at my response. "And besides, it was my choice to go in. You know I would have done it even if everyone told me not to. If I could have figured out where they had put Tarkik, I would have done it a thousand times over."

Honey nodded again. "And?"

I swallowed, thinking about my experience in my mate's mind. "His senses hadn't contributed much information. His nose could scent blood, wolfsbane, and poppy flowers and honey. The poppy flower and honey were so much stronger than the other scents. I didn't quite understand it."

"Poppy flowers and honey?" Blade asked me. I nodded at her. "I remember Alpha talking about that a while ago."

"Why would he smell poppy flowers and honey? Compared to the other two scents that is very different and random." Ram agreed with me.

As we started to think about the possibilities, Blade jumped up. "You said the scent was really strong right?" I nodded at her question, in confusion. "Do you remember the one day you snuck out to meet with Alpha?" I nodded in slight embarrassment as questioning glances were thrown my way. "Well after you left, I remember him sitting at the hill later sniffing the air where you two had been. I asked him why and he told me you smelled like poppy flowers and honey. He is smelling you! But how?"

I frowned in confusion and then it hit me. "I know where he is! He's in the cell I was kept in. The wolfsbane and blood is what those cells smelled like and if he can smell me, he's either in the same cell or near it," I told the others in excitement.

"How far is that place from the border?"

"Was it heavily guarded?"

"How do you get in?"

"How would you break him out?"

"What are they going to do to him?"

"Would that affect our strategy and tactics?"

Question after question. Now that we knew where Tarkik was stationed, we would have to adjust our attack plan a little bit, so we could reach him the fastest and get him out of there quickly. We continued to discuss everything and finished up when the sun hit midday, meaning we needed to round everyone up and start to prepare for attack.

I decided to use a howl to alert everyone what was happening. I howled with so much power, it slightly startled me. My howl told everyone what was happening and contained directions for where everyone needed to go.

I turned back to the betas, gamma, and firsts. "Everyone ready for this?" Barks of agreement gave me my answer. "Good, then let's go cripple that awful pack," I stated with confidence and started to sprint towards the border with everyone else following closely behind me.

Once reaching the center of the border, I noticed most of the pack was already there - or the third that was supposed to be here. The other two thirds should be in their positions. Both betas will take control over the bottom third. While Blade and I will take the middle third. And the three higher ranking firsts will control the top third. The first omega will come in with a final wave later in the fight, hopefully only as a precaution.

A howl erupted from the south and another howl from the north, telling me that all the wolves in those two thirds were prepared and ready. I looked up at the sun to see it was about an hour past noon, meaning the show was about to start. Sunna, we are ready. Are you? Right on time, Alpha Blake contacted me.

Good, give me five minutes. I told him, knowing I wanted to talk to my pack and give them a small speech before the battle started. I smiled to myself and looked west. We're coming Tarkik, just hold on.

I turned to look at all the wolves under my command, summoned up a howl and spoke in my alpha voice, so everyone could hear me. "This fight will not be easy. This fight is going to test all of you, but I know that as long as we stand united together then we will not fall," I said with confidence. "I know I have not been with you for a very long time, but trust me when I say, I will fight with you all to the death. You are my pack now and I will never abandon you and I will always fight with you."

I paused for a second. "We are fighting for our freedom, our safety, and our future generations' safety. We are fighting for those around us, our loved ones, our packmates, and our own lives. We are fighting for this pack!" I heard howls and barks of agreement. "Today, we will be writing history. History that will live on in future generations. So fight with me and we will end the evil this pack has created! We will show them what happens when they mess with our pack!"

Howls and barks sounded all around and I could feel the energy and determination in my pack. I turned and faced the soon to be battle ground. We're ready. I told Alpha Blake through the mind link.

On three. He quickly responded to me.




A howl erupted from my throat before I began to charge into the forest with my pack following.

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