Chapter Twenty

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Sunna's POV.

"Try again."

I dove under her and tried to grab her hind leg to flip her, but she was too fast and easily jumped out of the way. Frustration and exhaustion dug into me as I got up again and aimed for another attack. This time I ran straight at her. She raised an eyebrow and prepared herself.

However, at the last second I jerked my body one way. She took the bait and stepped that way. I switched last second and took her off balance as she tried to change her stance. I dove again and tackled her. Before she could escape from under me, I held her neck gently. She relaxed, showing her submission. I stood and moved away from her. My tongue lolled as I panted from the effort.

As Gamma stood up, she smiled at me. "Well done, Luna. I honestly did not see the trick coming, well played." She complimented me.

"Thank you, Gamma." I replied and grinned at her.

"Shall we go again?" She asked me with a smirk, knowing how tired I was.

I shook my head. "I think I may fall over if I were to go again." I told her honestly.

She laughed and nodded. "Come on. We should be heading over to the sunken rock anyway."

I nodded and we walked together to the rock. "Gamma, can I ask you something?" Something has been poking at me to ask her. Though I am not sure how she would respond, it is quite personal.

She nodded. "What is it?"

"I wanted to ask... umm... why haven't you tried to find your mate?" I asked her shyly.

She hesitated and looked away from me. Did I strike a nerve? Is she not going to like me anymore? "Honestly, Luna, I have just been so busy with the pack. I have always felt like I needed to prove myself and I feel that my mate would distract me in some way." She looked at me and said, "when this war is ever. I am going to find him."

I offered a small smile. "I hope you do. I can't wait to meet him." I commented and she smiled in response.

"There you two are." A familiar voice voice stated. I glanced up to see Tarkik and the two betas. "How was training?" Honey asked.



I glared at Gamma and she laughed in response. The other three also laughed, earning a glare from me. "Not fun. Exhausting and frustrating. How can someone be so fast and so strong at the same time? It's like I don't even see her before she hits me." I remarked, obviously frustrated with my lack of skill.

"Practice," Ram replied, "lots and lots of practice to tell you the truth."

I huffed in response. "Well that practice is killing me." Ram chuckled at my statement.

Blade bumped me. "Oh, you are just being dramatic."

"Alright, time for announcements." Tarkik said before I could reply to Blade. I threw a glare at him and he smirked in response.

Tarkik stood in front of the pack that had gathered for the meal. "As you all know, we are about to enter war. We have been training everyday and I think we are ready to take on any threat. Tomorrow we will start organizing the waves and checking along the border for the best place of entry. In the next few days, we will attack and bring down that pack. I want each of you to prepare. Know this will not be an easy battle, despite our help from the other werewolf pack. Those werewolves will be as strong and as fast as us. However do not be fearful, we stand as one pack and nothing will stop us."

Opposites AttractOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora