Hinata finally got into the bathroom and Suga smiled at him. He put him on the seat and watched him as he did his duty. He was eventually done and able to clean himself then flush the toilet. He got down with the help of Suga then pulled up his pink underwear and panda pants. Suga picked him up to go wash his hands then go back out to the boys who waited for him.

Hinata was put down and looked up at Suga. Hinata followed Suga and he noticed. He sat down and picked Hinata up on his lap. Suga frowned and looked at Daichi who looked back at Asahi as the three sighed. Hinata laid his head on his stomach which Suga put his hand on his head for comfort.

"He's been upset since his sleep. What do we do?"Suga asked and Daichi sighed.

Then with a snap of a finger, Daichi had an idea. He took Hinata and walked up to Yamaguchi who stared at him confused. He made him hold Hinata but nothing happened. Hinata just still looked upset.

"Why the long face?"Bokuto asked and Hinata hid his head on Yamaguchi's chest, ignoring them.

"I could tell he's bothered by you all. Just leave him alone before he starts crying again."Tsukishima snickered as he saw the boy holding onto his friend tightly.

"I think he's right Daichi-San. Maybe he needs some rest."Akaashi said and Daichi sighed and sat next to them.

"The past doesn't define you."

Hinata stopped and turned to look at the voice to which it came from but it wasn't them. Yamaguchi stared at him as he looked around. He seemed confused and even the boys in front of him noticed. Hinata wanted to go down and Yamaguchi put him down.

"What is he doing now?"Kuroo asked, confused as Hinata started walking away to the door.

"Follow through, be careful."

Hinata heard the voice again and his eyes widened. His mind wasn't playing at all. He followed where the voice could be. Kageyama ran out and followed the boy who was walking.

"Come outside."

Hinata stopped and turned to the stairs. He slowly walked down with his tiny feet and made it through the stairs all by himself that took a while. Kageyama just followed quietly with Kenma behind him.

"Where is he going?"He asked Kageyama and he still looked confused about where his partner was going.

"I don't know. Let's just follow him."He said worriedly as he continued to follow until down the stairs.

Hinata walked to the door and pushed it open then looked around. Kageyama looked around to see anything but nothing was there. Now the three, Kageyama, Kenma, and Suga looked at the child.

"Go down to the front of the school."

Hinata followed and walked slowly outside the door which freaked them out but Hinata stood and saw a dog that the three couldn't see.


"Pom-Pom."He lisp and the dog barked, making Hinata smile then clap his hands together.

The orange Pomeranian came close and ran around Hinata then stopped smiling at the kid. The three blinked and turned to each other confused.

"Hello!"He giggles and hugged the Pomeranian named Max then felt his soft fur.

He let go and turned to see the three standing there. He turned to the dog then at them.

"MAMA!"He yelled, turning their attention to seeing him smile.

"Pom-Pom!"He said excitedly and ran to Suga, hugging his leg making the dog follow him.

"I see. Do you want to take care of him until we find the owner?"He nods smiling quickly in excitement.

"Okay, let's go inside."He nodded and made the boy go inside with the dog following him.

Hinata stopped and looked at the dog. He looked at Kenma for help and the dog was picked up by him. The dog barked a few times and Hinata frowned.

"No! NICE!"He told the dog in authority which stopped the dog from barking, getting comfortable in Kenma's arms.

Hinata grabbed Suga's hand and walked together back to the room to see the boys staring at Hinata who was smiling. He looked at the dog and Kenma put him down.

Suga watched as Hinata was put to sit on a chair and the dog sat on his lap with the help of Kageyama. "He somehow found him beside the school."

Kageyama smiled and touched the dog's fur, noticing the dog didn't scratch him or bite him. He looked at Hinata who looked happy and turned to them.

"At least he's smiling again."

"But that's not the thing Kageyama-kun. He found a dog from here, no one even heard the dog bark or even knew he was there."Suga said and turned to Hinata smiling.

"That is creepy, Shouyou. Who told you the dog was there?"Oikawa asked him softly and Hinata turned to him.


Shield The Baby Crow #1 | ✓ Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora