Part II: The Special Brand of Greek

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Part II


The Special Brand of Greek

            The winds of Hell were fierce against the three Fates backs, bighting cold – no jumpsuit they knit would keep it out.

“I wish Hell was hot like those silly mortals think.” Grumbled Lachesis. “It’s freezing down here.”

Clothos nodded in agreement. “They never get anything right, but it sure would be nice to feel warm.”

“Shut up, the both of you.” Atropos snapped. “We have arrived.”

The castle of Hades rose above them, surrounded completely by gates knotted by human bones. Towering into the sky, the castle was made completely of black stone, skulls studded above every window.

“For a man of the dead, he’s pretty stylish.” Lachesis murmered.

Clothos nodded enthusiastically. “Remember what he wore to their birthday in 1734? That was classy.”

Atropos shushed them again, but her own warning was cut off by another – through the gates was a tree, bone white and dead. It had no leaves, but screech owls were crowded onto every branch. They let out a cry, cutting the sisters off – dozens of eyes were strained on them.

“Come along sisters, he doesn’t like to be kept waiting.” muttered Atropos and they moved quickly through the courtyard.

It took all three of them to push open the doors of the castle, and they stumbled into a cavernous throne room. At the end, beneath an arch of knotted bone, sat Hades himself, Persephone elegantly perched beside him on her considerably smaller and less extravagant seat at her husbands feet.

“Apologies for being late, sire.” Atropos stepped in front of her sisters, bowing low. Her pink jumpsuit was the brightest thing in the room, besides the diamonds that glittered in Persephone’s hair.

The God of the dead turned his head, the sound of his bones cracking echoing through the room. “Nieces,” he spoke slowly, voice low and commanding – the tone of a poet on a murderers tongue. “It will not matter if you tell me what I wish to hear.”

“That may not be as easy as we would prefer, sire –” began Clothos, but fell silent. Hades eyes, like spheres of black marble in his sockets, were piercing.

“I need to know of the girl.”

The three fates looked hesitantly between themselves.

Well?” Hades tapped his fingers on a goblet, Persephone stiffening at his feet.

Atropos stepped forward once more. “She is hidden, sire.”

Hidden? You are the Fates, no one is hidden from you.”

Lachesis gulped. “Someone is protecting her, making it so we cannot see.”

Hades stood swiftly, the ground shaking slightly. “Impossible. She is mortal, what deity would protect her?”

“She is not mortal, sire.” Clothos said. “She has Godly blood running through her, and Cassandra’s spirit is strong within her.”

“How strong?” Hades placed a bony hand on Persephone’s head, nails digging into her skin; his bride winced, but she stayed silent.

Atropos spoke softly. “Stronger than any other before her.”

Hades grabbed his goblet and threw it across the room, startling Persephone enough by the clanging that she jumped slightly. “Hades –”

“Quiet.” Hades shushed her then turned to the Fates. “Find out who is protecting her, I want to know. Find her, see her path – and stop it.”

The sisters nodded, Atropos speaking once more. “Sire? What about...the boy?”

Hades lips stretched across his teeth, studded with diamonds. Looking above them, he reveled in seeing his angelic looking son trapped within the cage of bones, suspended from the grand ceiling.

“Don’t worry nieces, I have many plans for my son.”

A/N: And there it is, Part II has begun! I hope you enjoyed that little snippet, and your first glance at Hades - and Gabriel! Our poor Gabe.

Question: What do you think lies in store for our heros next?


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