Chapter Twenty-Nine | Everything Goes to Hell. Literally.

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Dedicated to SilveryStars for being such a fast reader and lovely commenter. (haven't dedicated in a while, whew)

Also, there is one swear word. Sorry. Heat of the moment.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

Everything Goes to Hell. Literally.


            The world had been quiet for a little while, and the voices had faded – and now it was all crashing back into Noel’s mind like a tsunami. The pressure was building and felt as if her brain was going to explode, like her skin was crawling with insects.

Noel.” The voices came through the haze, as if through deep water – muffled. “Noel you have to stop screaming. Open your eyes.

With great effort Noel managed to pry open her eyes, clamp her mouth shut; the screams became a whimper as Constantine held her shoulders, ceasing her rocking.

“He’s gone.” She simpered, and Constantine glanced back at the others. Lola looked beside herself with anger and worry, and Stephan looked simply shocked into silence.

“You have to calm down.” Constantine told her, digging around in his backpack. “Have some water, quickly.”

“I can’t believe you’re being nice to her!” Lola suddenly spoke up, her voice trembling. “She let them take Gabriel! She ran away.

Stephan seemed to snap out of it. “You did.” He said quietly, hitting Noel with a hurt gaze. “You could have at least done something.”

Mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water Noel stared at them. Lola she could understand – she had never been nice. But Stephan?

“Stan?” she whispered. “He told me too.”

Constantine looked guiltily at the ground. “You could have at least tried.”

“He told me to!” she cried.

“He screamed.” Lola said bitterly. “And you ran away.”

Noel hadn’t wanted to run away, it had taken everything in her to leave him – but she had been scared, and Noel was no hero. She never had been.

            They returned to the boarding house to find a very nervous Petra.

“Your grandmother called and told me what happened.” She said tearily. “Oh Gabriel, the poor boy.” She burst into tears then, and Stephan patted her awkwardly on the back.

“How did she know?” asked Lola, sinking into a kitchen chair heavily. She looked suddenly older than seventeen.

“She is a Seer.” Said Petra simply. “I’m sure Noel has been dreaming about it, too.”

Three pairs of demigod eyes were on her immediately. “You could have stopped this?” Lola accused, standing. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

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