Chapter 48

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Niall’s POV          

“Hey mate have you seen Harry around?” I quickly ask Louis, who is preoqupied with some desperate girl.  I haven’t seen Harry since I got here and I was really planning on chilling.

“Man he is probably hooking up with some chick now that him and Ivy are done.” Louis replies, proceeding to seduce this poor girl throwing herself at him. Thank God I have Electra, who knows how to be a women with or without a man. That’s the type of girl I like.

Harry may be my best friend, but I am not stupid to know how damaged he is. I knew that Ivy wasn’t going to work out. They were barely in a relationship. To be honest, the fact that Harry limited himself to one girl for a period of time is so confusing to me, he’s never dated a girl in his life, and I would have thought the girl he did date would be someone he was in love with.

Harry is one of those guys who don’t know how to deal with his emotions. Well he does deal with them, but in an unhealthy way, and it ends up hurting other people, and himself. It’s hard to blame him, knowing him since middle school, it explains why he acts the way he does. What happened to him, that thing that he has only told me, not even his family members, has made him fear connection and left him in this eternal sadness. If I could do anything to numb that sadness, I would.

So I can never judge Harry, only hope that he will work on his issues and not hurt another innocent girl who always expected more from a man who has so little to share.

That’s enough dramatic thinking.

I decide to go upstairs and search for him, maybe he would be in his room or something, or talking about his house with people upstairs. But there is no one upstairs in sight at least. I look around and walk past a few doors when I hear a faint and familiar voice.

“I don’t know why this is so hard to get. I fucking miss you so much.” That voice, it’s, it’s, no, it cant be.


I stop by the door that has a small opening, where now I can see Harry standing up looking at the bed. Who he’s talking to, I have no idea, Ivy?

Harry falls to the ground and leans against the bed, I try to shift my body a bit to see who is on the bed, but I only see legs.

“ I miss you” he continues, “and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about missing you since we split. I cant stand living this completely disassociated life from and then see you for 10 minutes at like an event you were forced to go to, and then have you go back to your own life and not share any of it with me. I miss sharing my life with you Marine.”


I stop listening to the conversation and shift my body as much as I can to see the bed. It can’t be Marine? No, how is it possible that he is talking to Marine! What is he talking about? Nothing is making sense right how. Confusion flushes through my body and I cant seem to process what I am hearing. I just want to leave and talk to Electra.

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