Chapter 33

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Marines POV

After that night, something had grown stronger between Harry and I. It’s one of those things that are hard to pinpoint, but everything just felt more open. My heart was open, and I wasn’t really afraid anymore. Everything was simpler, even the really deep stuff, but it was nice. It was nice that he liked me and I liked him, no secrets, no random “Gossip Girl” drama, just two people he enjoy each others company being there for each other.

I never really thought I would know how it felt to like someone who liked me back. Usually all my crushes were little 7th grade flings that only happened in my imagination. I didn’t really know better, and I was never the girl who would put herself out there for a guy. To go up to him and be like, “I like you.” So nothing really worked out for me, and I didn’t think it would ever work out. I soon got to age were I finally realized that boys fucking suck, and I honestly, didn’t need them to make me happy. That’s I guess when I started getting into 60’s and 70’s feminism. I was working on myself, and ultimately, I was super content. I knew who I was.

Then I met Harry.

And it’s funny, how you could live your life thinking you know everything about yourself, but then you meet certain people who bring out light from inside of you and make you smile even when you are not with them. And maybe that’s what these things are. Exploration. Exploration of yourself and another person and learning new things about life. And man, things were so easy with him.

I could say anything, do anything, and he would listen, he wouldn’t judge. I love people like that. See there is this quote “I love people who are open-minded. People who just vibe with whatever you talk about. You can talk about anything and everything,” that reminded me on him. People like Harry have the world open for them. It’s like they are looking for something deep between the soil, if you get what I mean.

It had been a week since the night Harry cried. Things got better though, which happens. It really just started out with Harry saying,

“Fuck it.” and getting up on his knees and living life, having fun, and still take photos. We went to beach with Niall and Electra, (the only people we could really hang out with together without anyone getting romantic thoughts), went dancing a night, and took pictures in Time Square at midnight like it was New Years Eve or something. Man he took a lot of pictures. It was great.

He helped me get ready for my writing workshop at the New School in a couple of weeks. I was really quite excited for that and we went looking for inspiration sometimes. We wrote little short stories about random things like space printers or unrequited love between two toasters. Really weird stuff, but hey, it was fun.

Anyways, I was at Electra’s house with Ivy and Sage tonight, getting ready to go to some midnight model art exhibition that Ivy got us invited to. I was actually quite excited for it; I was really starting to feel all grown up. Going out to fun adultish events, seeing an older boy, drinking cappuccino’s at dawn (I think I am getting carried away with the cappuccino’s but you get my point), it was all pretty surreal, I wasn’t the weird artsy girl in high school , I was the enthralling artsy girl who was in high school who did fun things and got invited to real, thought provoking events. Wow.

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