Chapter 34

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Marines POV

I woke up on his chest. I could hear his heart pumping blood. It felt safe. He read me to sleep last night, and now I find my self in my bra and underwear, lying in his arms on a sunbathing chair. This is nice. This is the type of nice you don’t really always get.

Harry’s eyes were still closed as he gently slept. He was so beautiful. That sounds weird. But sometimes you meet people who are just beautiful, simply in the way the sleep, the way they act.

I yawned my way off the sunbathing chair and checked my watch. Fuck it was 10:00 am. I quickly ran to get my bag and find my phone. Five texts and three missed calls from Sage and Electra. “Where are you?” “What time do we meet?” “Hello are you awake?” I quickly dial Electra up.

“Hello? Marine?” Electra’s familiar voice says.

“Hey, I am so sorry, I slept in late but I am coming now okay, Crème Figs, right?”

“Don’t worry Marine babe, see you soon!” Electra says with excitement. I can hear Sage’s voice and other familiar voices in the background before I hang up.

“See you.” I say and hang up the phone. I quickly get my clothes off the table they were resting on all night and start to rush them on, piece by piece.  After I had gotten last nights shirt on Harry began to wake, his eyes slowly opening, then panicked, and looking for my presence.

“What time is it?” Harry asks in a raspy morning voice. Its so soothing, I wish I could stay with him right now but my friends are important and I promised to see them.

“10 am.” I say, grabbing my bag and putting it around my shoulder.

“Shit.” Harry says, running up to put his clothes on as well.

“What?” I ask.

“I promised to meet up with Niall today, and I am already late. How about you?” he asks, squeezing on his skinny jeans.

“Umm, I promised to see Electra and Sage this morning because I left yesterday so, I kind of have to go.” I say, slowly walking backwards and away from Harry.

“I would drive you there but I am in a big hurry. But see you afterwards?” Harry asks, getting closer to me.

“Yeah see you” I say rushed, clicking the elevator button. Harry quickly catches me before I get into the elevator and kisses me on the lips goodbye. UGH, he needs to stop kissing me or else I wont be able to stop.

When I get to the bottom of his building the doorman halls a cab for me and I direct him to Crème Figs. Thank God there is no traffic and I get there in 10 minutes.

I walk into the café (busy in the mornings), and look for Sage and Electra. I spot Electra in the middle of the café waving for me and I quickly run to her.

“Hey! I am so sorry again, there was traffic and everything sorry.”

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