Chapter 27

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Marines POV

I woke up the next morning alone. For the first few seconds I got up, it felt as though everything was okay, but then it takes a couple of seconds after for you to realize that everything actually isn’t okay. In my case, I had immense trouble opening my eyes because my eyes where sensitive to the light, and as I lifted myself up to sit on my bed, I felt the blood rush to my head as it began thumping against my temples. I felt awful. I don’t remember much from last night except being in a great stage of paranoia.

I decide to force myself to get up and maybe brush my teeth, but as I stand up, my muscles ache with tightness, but I walk through it. I wince my way to the bathroom where I support myself on the sink, and stare into the mirror. My eyes are bloodshot and my skin is sallow.  I stand there for a little, analyzing myself before a sudden nauseous takes over my body. I slowly make my way to the toilet and bend down into the pot and just throw up. Through the breaks I get before I continue this exertion of consumed food, I breathe. I am, to be honest, scared. I don’t know what is happening to me, or what happened to me. 

When I finish, thank the lord, I feel much better, refreshed, and empty (not emotionally but physically in my stomach) so I brush my teeth, and wash my face.

I still ache but I sluggishly make my way through the hallway and down the stairs. Do my parents even know about this? Where are they? Even if they where here they wouldn’t know how to help me. I can take care of myself, but sometimes it is nice to have someone to do the “taking care” thing for you.

By the time I make it down the stairs my muscles are burning, I just need to get some medicine or maybe find someone in the house who could explain what is happening to me.

I turn to living room where I find Louis, Electra, and a man in a suit and gloves on the couch. Electra sits in distraught, like someone died or something, and Louis is talking to this man, which I assume now, is a doctor. When they see me, Louis rushes to my side.

“I didn’t know you where awake, it’s like 7 in the morning you need to sleep Marine, we would have come up to you.” Louis? Is that you? First time I have seen you pretty concerned about me. I am still in pain though, I am sweaty but cold, my head is killing me, and I am overall weak. I really wish I could reply to Louis right now and talk to Electra but I physically am struggling too.

“Where’s mom and dad?” I ask, I sound so small as I close and open my eyes. Louis sighs.

“They are both out of town, I-I tried calling them but they both didn’t answer. I got a hold of dad and told him what happened…” what did happen? Everyone is all-serous and I feel sick and there is a doctor and I don’t even know what actually happened.

“ But he said you would be fine. I’m sorry, about all of this.” Sorry about what? That I was born with an asshole of a father and mother because we can’t really do anything about that.

“What happened to me?” I whisper to Louis, swallowing slowly.

Louis furrows his eyebrows. He seems surprised.

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