Chapter 29

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The phone rang the next morning. I was drinking tea and reading the newspaper. 9:04 am. I struggled moving. I needed to decide in such a short amount of time. One ring had already passed.



I didn’t want to talk to him but I didn’t want to not talk to him ever again. I selfishly wanted him to keep up with me. He cared, and I shouldn’t act like that comes around in your life all the time. 

3 rings.

I rush up from my seat and ran to get my phone from the living room table. I quickly answered the phone.

“Hello?” I say


I laughed and I could feel him smiling through the phone. I could do that. Picture his reactions to what I say in my head. I could see him.

Why did you answer?” he continues, his voice a little more serious now.  I got quiet. Why does it matter?

“I don’t know why.”

“How don’t you know why.”

“I don’t know- sometimes we do things that don’t make sense and have no thinking process but we do it anyways. I also-ugh- I don’t want to talk to you, but I don’t want to never talk to you. Why do I have to say all the stupid things, I always sound stupid and weak around you, I hate it.”

I could feel his grin on the line. He was trying to hide it like it was bad that he was smiling-which it was because it made me feel really stupid- because it wasn’t a laughing predicament.

“Stop smiling! I know you, you’re laughing at me.” I chortled.

“How did you know I was smiling?”

“I can tell,” I awkwardly start, “ I don’t know-just- SEE, your making me feel stupid again.”

He laughed. His laugh was smooth like the sea.

“I’m smiling because you are amazing and weird and quirky and I like it. You are refreshing and you picked up the phone and I don’t know why because I feel guilty for having you.”

I choked. I was trying to process his confusing information as well as him compliment at the same time. I wanted to smile but I also didn’t. I am so weird.

“Why do you feel guilty? And by the way, you don’t have me, no one does, I am not a toy, I am a human being.” That kind of annoyed me. He takes a step forward then a step back…

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