Chapter 9

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Polyvore for Marines outfit is linked ( and youtube link so play when instructed!


It was 6:00 and the night of The Rolling stones concert. My enthrallment was at an all time high. My hands where shaking as I tried to brush a little mascara upon my eyelashes. I was not dressed and Electra and Sage where going to be here in 30 minutes. I decided to wear my casual hope striped dress with the Dr.Martens white sandals Electra got me. Man I love these sandals. I strapped them and checked the mirror. Everything seemed in place. Oh shit, hair. I decided just to pull my caramel hair in a tight ponytail. I could feel it stroke my back. I quickly plugged in my straightener and brushed my hair through it a few times, just so the ponytail could look somewhat effortful. I then made my way to my black messenger bag that was plopped on my reading couch. I grabbed my leather journal, something I never leave the house without, and placed it into my bag, as well as my ticket that was placed on my desk, and the credit card my parents gave me so I wouldn’t have to bother them for anything ever

I checked the time, 6:20, good, so that gave me 10 minutes to breathe. My excitement was getting to me, I was actually managing my time, something I suck at. 

I took another glance at the mirror then moisturized my pink lips with a lip scrub and balm, finding my way to my reading corner, and picked up Persuasion by Jane Austen, the book I started this morning, waiting for the arrival of my friends.

My reading corner was one of the most serene places in my life. Nothing comforts me more than the feather stuffed tribal patterned pillows and the white bookshelves drilled on each side of the corner, surrounding me by the colors of literature I have read. But what I loved the most was the stain glass window that is placed in the middle of it; I had the view of the luminous lights of New York City. There was no comfortable place in this world for me to be then here, on this couch, and with these books.

The doorbell rang, pulling me out of my perusal. I threw my messenger bag on my shoulder and ran down the stairs to open the door for the girls. I was greeted with floundering smiles and a scream

“ We are going to The Rolling Stones bitches!” 


 Sage was hidden behind her, half of her head showings, her mood like mine.

“She has been doing this since she picked me up.” Sage said bitterly but yet humorously, I chuckled, and Electra still has a huge smile slapped onto her face. She began to jump enthusiastically and pull my arm and myself out of my house.

“ Rolling stones bitches.” She whispered. Our eyes darted to Electra, her looking guilty, as if she said something wrong. We all started laughing as we entered Electra’s matte black Mercedes Jeep. Oh my God, I love this girl.


Once we found a parking spot, we entered the gate for golden circle ticket holders, where a volunteer accepted our tickets and lead us to the arena. Many people surrounded us, drunk couples, 30-year-old creeps, and artistic looking people. To be honest, it was extremely invigorating to be exposed to all the characters. I felt like I was taken back in time to the 1970’s, where I belonged.

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