Chapter 55

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Marines POV

I stop in my tracks because I feel like I am about to throw up everywhere and pass out then throw up again. Confusion is laced within my mind as I feel the surrounding people staring at me and then looking at the fucking picture. I am brought back out of my mind and into reality when a girl starts to take a photo of me. I turn around to Sage and Electra, who are as freaked out as I am, and take their hands.

"What the actual fuck is going on Marine have you been modeling and you wanted to surprise us or-" Electra asks, but I interject immediately,

" No I have no fucking idea what's-" but then, it hits me. It fucking hits me so hard I cant believe it didn't hit me the moment I saw the photos.

"Let's go in." I say, interested in seeing what laid within the exhibition.

"NO fucking way am I going into this voodoo exhibition shit if you have no idea where these photos-"

"No, I think I know, I just need to see it." Sage looks at me baffled,

"You know the famous, world renowned, 'no one knows who he/she is' Anonymous X?" Sage exclaims, but I don't answer, I just walk into the high-ceilinged exhibit, waiting to see what lies within.

Before the photos begin, there is a message from the photographer, which everyone comes to read, so, so do I.

The Lost Girl is a collection of photographs I took of a woman I was seeing during the summer. Photographing her was something I was doing for pleasure, without the intent of ever using them, yet I never had the intent of developing the feelings I still have for her today. But I fucked it up, and she gave up on us, and I let her. These photographs are a development, similarly to my development to falling in love with her. In a way, I hope to find her again, to capture her in all the ways she is- beautiful, mean, vulnerable intelligent- and maybe we can find ourselves again within each other.

I grit my teeth because I don't want to let myself feel the way I am beginning to feel. I walk through the exhibit and view photos of me, photo's of moments during Harry and I's early moments together. Our visits to Coney Island, photos he was taking without me even knowing, times when I was crying in his car, or when I was laying in my bra on his bed. I see it all, I go back in time, and I am trying not to lose it. Again and again, I feel nothing and everything all at once.

The photos are beautiful and romantic and it's breaking my heart. Why is he doing this? I can't believe he Anonymous X this whole time. Fuck him.

After seeing all the photos I see Electra and Sage looking at me in a sympathy but also awe. I walk over to them,

"Did you figure out what this is?" Sage asks and without hesitation I tell her,

"It's Harry."

"Excuse me what?" Electra exclaims,

"Ya, it's Harry, did you read the intro, it's him." I say bluntly and dazedly. My head is whirling with confusion and overwhelming ideas.

Sage and Electra look at each other and back at me.

"Well he's going to be at the pub tonight, you don't have to-"

"No, I need to see him right now, is he with Niall?" I say as though seeing Harry is at the top of a grocery list thing to do. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing but my body is telling me to see him.

"Uh ya but-" I take Sage and Electra's hands and walk out the exhibit, forgetting about the hundreds of people watching me yelling Oh my God! And Who's Anonymous X!

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